Presentation in Russian on the topic "Spelling not with different parts of speech". Presentation on the topic "not with different parts of speech" Download presentation with different parts of speech

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Lesson objectives: to systematize knowledge about writing - NOT - with different parts of speech; 2. improve spelling skills of writing - not with different parts of speech; 3. develop logical thinking and attention; 4. cultivate interest in the Russian language.

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Pronunciation norms Pamper, busy, calls, more beautiful, cement, carpenter, beets, parterre, kilometer, repeat.

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independent part of speech. Who answers questions? what? Identifies an object. Table, car, beautiful, run, bird, flew, white, person, good, practice. (table, car, bird, person)

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independent part of speech. Answers questions what? which? which? which? whose? Indicates the attribute of an object. Foxy, tall, textbook, love, pencil case, neat, yellow, space, do, wild. (fox, tall, neat, yellow, wild)

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Spelling of words with NOT (not) real at all (not) close (not) health (not) forgetfulness (not) truthful (not) true, but a lie

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independent part of speech. Answers questions about what to do. what to do? what will do? Indicates the action of an object. Student, read, winter, forest, run in, flew, notebook, kind, fantasizes, write. (read, run in, flew, fantasizes, write)

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Proverbs (not) healthy. (don't) stick your head in the water. to swim. so there will be no boredom. skins (not) disappear. you will (not) cut down the huts.

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Not with different parts of speech. (summary table) Not written separately with verbs - do not write, do not run (except for words that are not used without not - hate, not well) Signs Noun Adjective Continuous Not used without not. Can be replaced by a synonym without not or by an expression that is close in meaning. Bad weather False (= false) Sloppy Unkind (= evil) Separate If there is an opposition with the union a. Used with the words: far from ..., not at all ..., not at all ..., not at all ..., not at all ... Not a friend, but an enemy - Not serious, but frivolous Not at all convincing

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Not with nouns and adjectives. Write the correct word combinations. He spoke (not) the truth, but a lie; (not) a beautiful act, (not) a sloppy look, (not) a deep river, (not) a deep but cold pond, (not) an expensive but beautiful scarf, a far (not) good decision, (not) an interesting story, ( not) knowledgeable, not at all (not) difficult task, (not) conscientious attitude. He spoke not the truth, but a lie; an ugly act, a sloppy look, a shallow river, not a deep but cold pond, an inexpensive but beautiful scarf, far from a good solution, an uninteresting story, a dunno, not at all a difficult task, an unscrupulous attitude.

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Choose synonyms. Kind - disposed towards people, imbued with participation, ready to help. sincere, cordial, sympathetic, kind-hearted, good-natured

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Not with verbs Divide the words into two columns: together - separately. (Don't) feel, (don't) be afraid, (don't) hide, (don't) distinguish, (don't) greet, (don't) see, (don't) stop, (don't) like, (don't) want, (don't) cherish, (not) spreading, (not) fighting, (not) surprised, (not) melting, (not) getting annoyed. Separately Together You don’t feel unwell Don’t be afraid You hate Don’t hide You don’t like You don’t distinguish You are indignant You don’t stop You don’t want You don’t spread You don’t fight You don’t get surprised

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Slides captions:

Continuous and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech. The work was done by Makarova Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the State Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 530.

Continuous and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech.

Writing NOT with nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -o, -e. Separately: 1. If there is a contrast with the union a. 2. If there are words reinforcing negation (by no means, not at all, far from) or a negative pronoun, or adverbs in the role of a dependent word. 3. Relative and possessive adjectives, adverbs not in -o, -e are always written separately. Together: 1. If there is no opposition with the union a and words that reinforce the negation

Writing NOT with verbs and gerunds. Separately: 1. Verbs and participles are not written separately. Together: 1. If without not not used.

Writing NOT with underdo. Separately: 1. Do not reach (meaning "do not reach"). 2. Other verbs in the meaning of “interrupted action. Together: 1. Not enough (meaning "to be in a small team, to be needed"). 2. Other verbs in the meaning of "below the norm."

Spelling NOT with participles. Separately: 1. In full participles, it is not written separately if there is a dependent word or opposition with the union a. 2. In short participles. Together: 1. If there are no dependent words or opposition with the union a.

Spelling NOT with pronouns. Separately: 1. Personal pronouns are always written separately from not. 2. Negative pronouns are written separately if there is a preposition between not and the pronoun. Continuously: 1. Negative pronouns are written together if there is no preposition between not and the pronoun.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Subject: Russian Age of students: 15 - 16 years Duration: 1 academic week Purpose: to systematize theoretical information on spelling NOT with different parts of speech, to be able to find this spelling in a literary text

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This project activity involves group work of students. Types of groups: Analysts (study all the rules about spelling NOT with different parts of speech and make a reference table) Researchers (select material from fiction for continuous and separate spelling of NOT with different parts of speech, make cards, tests) Experimenters (select material from works of fiction literature on spelling NOT with different parts of speech and conduct a small experiment with it)

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10th grade students Nikolenko Yulia Gritsynina Vera Kolesnikov Konstantin Popenko Elizaveta Shevchenko Yulia Maliev Alexander Kolotovskaya Elena Reznikov Ruslan Gryzlov Denis Project manager: Chebotko Nadezhda Ivanovna

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Preliminary stage Formation of groups, presentation of the problem situation, selection of the project topic, selection of literature on the topic, drawing up a group work plan. The main stage Determination of the goals and objectives of the group, discussion, evaluation, adjustment of the group's work plan, registration of the results of activities, systematization of the material. Completion of the project Groups present the results of work in the form of a table, cards, tests, defend projects, evaluate the work of another group, formulate a general conclusion.

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We believe that participation in research (project) activities contributes to the team building of the group, the establishment of strong interpersonal relationships. Participation in research activities develops creative abilities, causes a rise in creative initiative, and helps to increase the motivation for learning.

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Spelling NOT with different parts of speech. Part of speech. Separately. merged. 1. Noun. There is a contrast with the union "a" (not true, but false). If NOT is a negation word (not genius) 1 . Not used without NOT (slave). 2. You can replace it with a synonym without NOT (false = false). 2. Full adjectives. Short adjectives. Adverbs in -O, -E. 1 There is a contrast with the union "a" (not true, but false; not true, but false; not true, but false). 2. There are words ahead: Not at all ... not at all ... not at all ... far from ... never ... nothing at all ... not at all ... (not a true story at all). 1. Not used without NOT (rainy, rainy). 2. Can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (untruthful = false, untruthful = false, untruthful = false).

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Part of speech. Separately. merged. 3. Full communion. Brief Communions. 1. There is a contrast with the union "a" (not solved, but a written off example) 2. Participles have a dependent word (not solved by me). Always separate: The story is not read, the field is not plowed, the notebooks are not checked. 1.not used without NOT (perplexed). 2. There is no dependent word (unsolved example). 3. there is no opposition with the union "a". 4.Verb. General participle. 1. With a particle, it is NOT written separately if it is used without it (it was not, could not). 2. Not until ... (the action is not over: I didn’t finish the soup, I didn’t finish the chapter). With a particle, NOT is written separately if used without NOT: not knowing, not thinking. 1. verbs are written together that are not used without NOT (to hate, to be indignant) 2. UNDER ... (less than one hundred percent completed, less than the norm: not enough points, not enough colors). Verbs that are not used without NOT are written together: hating, furious, indignant, perplexed. 5. Negative and indefinite pronouns In the presence of a preposition (no one, no one) In the absence of a preposition (no one, no one)

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Part of speech. Separately. merged. 6. In other cases Not written separately: With numerals (not eight books); With pronouns other than negative and indefinite ones (not this one), but the philosophical term not-I is hyphenated; With the words of the state category (not necessary, not necessary); With a comparative degree (not older, not deeper); with a possessive, relates. (not a fox tail, not a silver bracelet) With hyphenated words (not bright red, not the old way); In interrogative sentences (Isn't it?).

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Test 1. NOT spelled together in all phrases of the series. a) He said (not) once, a long (not) trodden path. b) (Un)shed tears, (un)worthy human behavior. c) Behavior (not) worthy of a soldier; The (un)fulfilled task. d) (Not) information we need, (not) open countries. e) A (not) fenced-in place, far (not) by chance. 2. NOT written separately in all phrases of the series. a) Not at all (not) interesting, a very (not) stupid boy. b) An animal (un)known to science, a completely (un)known road. c) Grasses are (not) cut, the house is (not) brick. d) The wind is (not) cold, but strong; the task was not (completely) completed. e) Not at all (un)necessary things, no one (not)needs the thing.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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NOT with different parts of speech Materials for a lesson in grade 10 Zhurbina G.P., Russian language teacher, Taganrog Pedagogical Boarding Lyceum

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NOT with nouns Together Separately The word without NOT is not used: indignation bad weather 2. It is not a prefix; the word can be replaced by a synonym without not: enemy - enemy misfortune - grief. It is not a negative particle. Negation is often reinforced by contrast with the union a: It was not a she-wolf. It was not a wolf, but a dog.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening brackets. Explain continuous and separate spelling not with nouns. (Not) bewilderment, (not) faith, (not) hatred, (not) acquaintance, (not) malfunctions, (not) nastya, (not) forgetfulness, (not) resentment, (not) friend, (not) bylitsa, (not) wrestler, (not) necessity, (not) benefits, (not) ryakha, (not) nonsense, (not) expectation. (Not) happiness of a comrade, (not) dependence of the Fatherland, (not) experience of an assistant, (not) good manners of the interlocutor, (not) determination of a teenager, autumn (not) weather, complete (not) literacy, burdened by (not) will, (not ) trust in others. 1. Show (not) trust, but doubt. 2. This is (not) a friend, but my old acquaintance. 3. (Not) happiness, but trouble lay in wait for us. 4. Iron is a blacksmith, but (not) a hammer forges. 5. They write (not) with a pen, but with the mind. 6. It was (not) true, but a lie. 7. (Not) the oven feeds, but the hands. (Proverbs)

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NOT with adjectives Together Separate An adjective without NOT is not used: an absurd act; hated enemy. 2. Not a prefix; the word can be replaced by a synonym without not: enemy troops - enemy troops; an unmarried person is a single person. With possessive adjectives: not a hare coat; not a hunting rifle. 2. Comparative adjectives: Berezane vydub. 3. Is not a negative particle (hidden or explicit opposition): the watch is not gold; honey is not May; The problem is not simple, but complex. 4. If there are explanatory words with a negative meaning: an unknown address; innocent people. 5. If there are combinations far from, not at all, not at all: far from an easy hike.

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NOT with adjectives Remember short adjectives that are not written separately: should not, is not obliged, does not intend, is not right, is not visible, is not ready, is not inclined, is not happy, is not necessary; words of state are not necessary, it's not a pity.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening brackets. Explain the continuous and separate spelling NOT with adjectives. (Un) clumsy person, (un) interrupted broadcast, (un) treading rock, (un) reconcilable contradictions, (un) careless recording, (un) wine entertainment, (un) ignorant judgment, (un) hated adversary, (not) ) sociable character, (not) familiar lieutenant, (not) old acquisition, (not) clear image, (not) usual branching, (not) easy association. In what examples is one sign denied, and the other, opposite to it, is affirmed? In which examples are there no opposite signs? This song is (not) funny, but sad. Summer is (not) cold, but hot. The day is (not) sunny, but overcast. The person is (not) evil, but kind. Matter is (not) bright, but beautiful. Apples are (not) ripe, but very tasty. The story is (not) big, but interesting. The road is (not) smooth, but the shortest. The face is (un)beautiful, but pleasant. Write by opening brackets. Explain the continuous and separate spelling NOT with adjectives. 1. Now we had (not) high (not) approachable mountains, but (not) large hills with (not) spectacular vegetation. 2. He had a far (not) indifferent look. 3. This film is (not) interesting to me at all. 4. My brother (not) has a residence permit in Moscow. 5. People (un)known to me entered. 6. Nothing (not) a wonderful person. 7. I am (not) ready for the exam. 8. (Not) an easy hike for the guys. 9. This building does (not) look like housing. 10. (Not) things we need. 11. No one (un)necessary things.

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NOT with verbs, gerunds and participles Together Separately Without a verb, gerunds are not used: resent; hate; hated lies. With verbs, gerunds and short participles: do not read books; not seeing the horizon; the fence is unpainted. 2. With full participles: There was a book that I had not read on the table. 3. When negatives are used, far, not at all, not at all: By no means a solved problem.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening brackets. Explain spelling not with verbs and participles. (Didn’t) read the decrees, (didn’t) fall asleep for a long time, (didn’t) draw on the fences, (didn’t) stay in the sun for a long time, I (didn’t) sleep, you (didn’t) fall asleep, (didn’t) interfere with studying, (didn’t) know the rules , (didn’t) go to the cinema, he (didn’t) say hello, his father (didn’t) molest, (didn’t) guess the riddle, (didn’t) know sadness, (didn’t) want to leave, (didn’t) saw for a lie, (didn’t) love dog, sat (not) moving, looking (not) blinking, thinking (not) thinking from horror, (not) waiting for dinner, stopped (not) wondering, walked (not) in a hurry, (not) wanting to think about anything, ( not) listening to the screams.

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Particle NOT and prefix NEDO- in verbs Distinguish particle NOT and prefix NEDO-! Not - "denial of action"; under - “incompleteness, insufficiency of action” (sometimes you can check by selecting an antonym with the prefix PERE-): underfulfill - overfulfill undersalt - oversalt undersalt - sort out undercook - digest underweight - outweigh.

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Typical tasks Explain the spelling of not and under-: 1. The child did not finish the soup. During the war, people were malnourished. 2. The anchor does not reach the bottom. Time is never enough. 3. Didn't watch the movie to the end. Brother neglected his sister. 4. The teacher did not finish speaking. He didn't say much.

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NOT with adverbs ending in -o, (-e) Analyze the examples. Formulate a spelling rule not with adverbs. Make a table. 1. He acted ridiculously. 2. The guys sang quietly (quietly). 3. Petya jumped no higher than Sasha. 4. Calculate not exactly, but approximately. 5. It's not far to go to the forest. 6. Answered far from kindly. 7. He did not work neatly at all.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening brackets. Explain the continuous and separate spelling not with adverbs in -o (-e) and with other parts of speech. 1. (Not) silly look, (not) carelessly dress, (not) sloppily perform, (not) exclaim indignantly, (not) clumsily make excuses, (un) bearably bright light, (un) mercilessly fire, (un) bearably hot day, (not) work hard, (not) stop smiling. 2. Look (not) affectionately, go (not) far, speak (not) convincingly, read (not) loudly, (not) possible to leave, think (not) accurately, (not) correctly solve the problem. 3. Speak (not) loudly, but quietly. Jump (not) high, but low. Meet (not) friendly, but cold. Far (not) bold to do. It is (not) solid to build a house. Wake up the camp quite (not) far from the river. Working in the garden is not at all difficult. Mushroom places were not at all (not) close. 4. (Un)explored area; spoke (not) the truth; (un)blinking gaze; yet (not) made calculations; (un)bearable heat; (not) checking the work; (not) distinguishing roads; (not) with (whom) to consult; hide (not) what; (not) loud whisper; (not) wide, but narrow path; (not) wide, but fishy river; to arrive (unexpectedly); spoke (not) loudly, but quietly; (without) saying a word; houses are (not) lit; did (didn't) do anything; (un)relenting interest; (un)resolved issues; (not) colluding; Correspondence (not) printed by me.

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Spelling NOT and NOR in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs Consider and study the algorithm. Remember and formulate the spelling rule NOT and NI in negative pronouns and adverbs.

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Typical tasks Write off by inserting the letters and or e in indefinite and negative pronouns. 1.N.. why worry, n.. why ask, n.. whom to call, n.. whom to call, n.. whom not to tell, n.. whom to approach, n.. not to catch, n.. with whom to consult, n.. what to replace, n.. what news, n.. what we didn’t know, n.. what was there to talk with him, n .. it’s not a secret for anyone, n .. who to care for the sick, n whom he didn’t do good, the event is not much joyful, n .. that is not forgotten. 2. I don’t .. (on) how to get to you. He n.. (in) what cannot be trusted. No one noticed him and (n..) didn’t say anything. I (n ..) have something to hide from you. Don't even ask about anything. (N..) that does not touch my heart. I could not help my relatives (n ..). Who n.. (in) what is not to blame, and to blame n.. (in) what. N .. (about) what an acquaintance (n ..) what was there to think. 3. N .. (on) what it doesn’t depend on, (n ..) what he wasn’t happy about, n .. (with) whom not to meet, n .. (for) whom it’s not a secret, n .. (from) someone to ask, n .. (to) whom to turn to, (n ..) whom not to imitate, (n ..) whom to look after, (n ..) what is magnificent, (n ..) how many millions, come up with (n ..) what is strange , (n ..) you won’t surprise, couldn’t (n ..) what to do, n .. (with) who didn’t change, n .. (for) why not overcome this obstacle, n .. (about) what I thought, n .. (with) whom I didn’t meet, in the room (n ..) there was no one, returned from the forest n .. (with) what, replace him (n ..) with whom, already afraid (n ..) why, n .. (with) whom to be friends with.

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Typical tasks Determine the category of pronouns. Remember how indefinite pronouns are formed. Write by opening brackets. In (not) some cities, (not) how many libraries, any (any stories), how many (any) books, in some (some) journey, some (about) one of the friends, someone's (something) things, in some (any) ) works, do something (something), make friends with someone (someone), take offense at someone (something), solve (several) how many tasks, quarrel with someone, attend some (some) meeting, where (something) thundered, someone's voice was heard, it smells of some kind of aroma, they promised some kind of help. Put stress in the given words and combinations. Explain the continuous and separate spelling of not and neither. Make up and write phrases with these words. Nobody - somebody; nothing - nothing; from no one - from no one; with no one, with no one.

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Spelling NOT and NOR in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs Combinations should be distinguished none other than none other than none other nothing else. The combinations are none other than none other than those used in sentences where there is no other negation: It was none other than our former neighbor. - It was none other than our former neighbor. The combinations nobody else and nothing else are used in sentences where there is usually already a negation: Nobody else, except us, knew these places of rest on the Volga so well. He was not interested in anything else.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? Unnoticed by anyone, he came home. (Un)plowed fields opened up to our gaze. The (not) difficult, but simple question puzzled him. It was by no means (not) the right decision. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? We saw a (not) mobile, but clear silhouette in the garden. So, and (not) learning anything, he, upset, left. Historical grammar is hardly (not) the most difficult subject for philologists. I no longer believe in anything. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? (Not) listened to anyone, he continued to talk. (Un) heard the singing of birds. He was pleased, and at the same time he (did not) get something. The (not) rain-dry road was very slippery.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? Those (not) able to keep silent do not know how to listen. The novel is (nothing) but a merciless criticism of the younger generation. He realized that he could become the heir of (un)familiar rich people. It was not the right decision at all. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? (Not) despite the life full of summer delights, Levitan worked hard. I tried to convince myself that she liked purple, not (not) red. Crystal ice has not yet (not) descended from the wet stones. Wisdom is (nothing) other than the science of happiness.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? Inspiration is an (in)transferable state, the lot of artists and poets. Many people are completely (in)able to imagine their future. (Not) despite the downpour, we began to gather home. A (not) sown field could be seen in the distance. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? The poem consists of separate (un)completed chapters. It was a very (not) easy day. In the morning, a warm wind blows across the steppe, which (has not) had time to cool down during the night. The stepmother immediately (not) fell in love with the stepdaughter. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? The required book (not) read. The (un)voiced reproach shone in the mother's eyes. To the right, a (un)blinking star shone over the hill. (Not) despite the deep autumn, the days were warm and clear.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? As a child, Chekhov was (un) exhausted for inventions. The heat was (not) utter. Know how to live even when life becomes (un)bearable. The bridge has not yet been built. In which sentence is NOT (NOR) with the word written separately? Autumn came with (un)ending rains, wet roads, longing for the evenings. The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters. (No) one in the play agrees with Chatsky that it is immoral to serve. A few steps away resounded the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale.