Perm Regional Museum presentation for children. Perm. Presentation of the theme "Museums of Perm"

  • Chirkaev Andrey Antonovich

  • 3 G class

  • School 40

  • Presentation of the theme "Museums of Perm"

  • The Perm Regional Museum is one of the most interesting museums in Perm.

It has a diverse collection of historical and cultural monuments.

The Perm Museum of Local Lore has over 360 thousand exhibits.

The museum has collections of Ural gems and stuffed animals.

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum “Khokhlovka”

The Khokhlovka complex is located on the banks of the Kama River, 43 km. from Perm near the village of Khokhlovka.

Khokhlovka is the first open-air museum of wooden architecture in the Urals.

Memorial House-Museum “Underground Printing House”

The memorial house-museum "Underground Printing House" was opened in 1968.

Perm State Art Gallery

Perm State Art Gallery is one of the largest museums in the Ural region.

The gallery's collections number about 43,000 items.

House-Museum of Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov

The first memorial museum of a technical profile in Perm- The house-museum of Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov was opened on September 14, 1988.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov - inventor of electric arc welding of metals.

Museum-diorama in Motovilikha

Museum-diorama in Motovilikha located on the highest point of Perm, Mount Vyshka. The museum is dedicated to the December armed uprising of 1905 in Motovilikha

Memorial house-museum of V.V.Kamensky

Vasily Vasilyevich Kamensky - poet, prose writer, actor, artist, one of the first Russian aviators.

The only literary museum in the Perm region is located in the village of Troitsa. It is located in the house where Kamensky lived from 1932 to 1951.

Memorial Museum GULAG Perm-36

The Gulag Museum "Perm-36" is the only museum in Russia of the history of political repressions.

Museum Perm-36 includes preserved and reconstructed buildings of the Gulag (corrective labor colony) for political prisoners.

  • Trushnikova S.A., teacher of primary grades at the Yurlinskaya secondary school named after L. Baryshev
The Perm Territory is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, located on the Western slope of the Northern and Middle Urals. The Perm Territory belongs to the Volga Federal District.
  • The Perm Territory is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, located on the Western slope of the Northern and Middle Urals. The Perm Territory belongs to the Volga Federal District.
  • Flag of the Perm Territory
  • Coat of arms of the Perm Territory
Viktor Fedorovich Basargin - Governor of the Perm Territory The date of formation of the region is December 1, 2005. It was formed by combining two constituent entities of the Russian Federation, these are the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug.
  • The date of formation of the region is December 1, 2005. It was formed by combining two constituent entities of the Russian Federation, these are the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug.
The Perm Territory includes more than 20 settlements with the status of a city. The largest cities include Perm, Berezniki, Solikamsk, Chaikovsky, Lysva, Kungur, Chusovoy.
  • The Perm Territory includes more than 20 settlements with the status of a city. The largest cities include Perm, Berezniki, Solikamsk, Chaikovsky, Lysva, Kungur, Chusovoy.
  • open-air museum
Kungur Ice Cave
  • One of the most popular sights of the Urals is a natural monument of all-Russian significance. The cave is located on the right bank of the Sylva River on the outskirts of the city of Kungur in the village of Filippovka, 100 km from Perm.
The rivers of the Perm Territory belong to the basin of the Kama River, the largest left tributary of the Volga. There are more than 29 thousand rivers in the Perm Territory with a total length of over 90 thousand kilometers.
  • Kama - the largest river
  • Perm Territory
The Perm Territory is rich in various minerals. Oil, gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, diamonds, chromite ores and brown iron ore, peat, limestone, precious, ornamental and facing stones, building materials are mined here.
  • The Perm Territory is rich in various minerals. Oil, gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, diamonds, chromite ores and brown iron ore, peat, limestone, precious, ornamental and facing stones, building materials are mined here.
The Perm Territory is one of the economically developed regions of Russia. The basis of the region's economy is a highly developed industrial complex. Key industries: oil, chemical and petrochemical, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, timber industry.
  • The Perm Territory is one of the economically developed regions of Russia. The basis of the region's economy is a highly developed industrial complex. Key industries: oil, chemical and petrochemical, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, timber industry.
  • Peoples who have inhabited our region for a long time.
According to the 2010 census (peoples numbering over 4 thousand people):
  • According to the 2010 census (peoples numbering over 4 thousand people):
  • Russians - 2,191,423 (87.1%)
  • Tatars - 115,544 (4.6%)
  • Komi-Permyaks - 81,084 (3.2%)
  • Bashkirs - 32,730 (1.3%)
  • Udmurts - 20,819 (0.8%)
  • Ukrainians - 16,269 (0.6%)
  • Belarusians - 6,570 (0.3%)
  • Germans - 6,252 (0.3%)
  • Chuvash - 4,715 (0.2%)
  • Mari - 4,121 (0.2%)
  • In total, representatives of 125 nationalities live in the Perm Territory
  • Russians
  • They inhabit the Permian lands along the Kama and Chusovaya from the end of the 15th century.
  • In the middle of the 17th century, the Russians in the Kama region were the numerically predominant people.
  • Tatars
  • They live compactly in the basin of the Tulva, Sylva and Ireni rivers. In the XVI - XVII centuries. Kazan Tatars move to the Kama region. They have long occupied lands suitable for agriculture and animal husbandry.
  • All villages are quite large, they live prosperously, very cleanly.
  • Komi - Permians
  • Indigenous inhabitants of the Kama region.
  • They were formed from tribes that have long lived along the upper Kama. Their ancestors were called Permians, Permians, Permians. They became part of the Russian state in 1472.
  • Their ancestors came from the Bulgar region. Most of the modern Bashkir villages and villages have a rich history dating back several centuries.
  • 2007 marks the 450th anniversary of the voluntary entry of the peoples of Bashkiria into Russia.
  • Udmurts
  • In the southern regions of the Kama region began to be settled from the end of the XVI century. from the Kama-Vyatka interfluve.
  • Until now, many ideas about evil and good spirits and the other world have been preserved in the family rituals of the Udmurts.
  • Mari
  • We are different, but we live in the same country and the same region.
  • love,
  • respect each other
  • help each other!

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Presentation on the topic: Legendary places of the Perm region

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Ordinskaya Cave An underwater cave in Russia, the second longest in Eurasia, the world's largest underwater gypsum cave. It has been given the status of a national natural monument. The cave is located on the outskirts of the village of Orda in the Perm Territory. It is embedded in gypsum and anhydrite of Permian age. Consists of "dry" and underwater parts. The Ordinskaya cave differs from other underwater caves by its low water temperature, huge volumes of underground galleries, water transparency, and low turbidity. There is a legend that the ghost of an amazingly beautiful woman lives in the Ordinskaya cave in the Perm region, who protects everyone who enters the cave, but especially those who plunge into its crystal waters.

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Adovo Lake Located in the Gainsk region. The road runs through destroyed bridges and swamps. The water here is full of mysteries. Every spring, it begins to boil and bubble. Scientists believe that this is due to geological processes. Local residents are afraid that in no case should you swim in the middle of the lake - it will drag you to the bottom. They say that the hero of the Komi-Permyak epic hero Pera defeated the water Vakul and threw him into the lake. Vakul harbored evil and sometimes reminds of himself. They say that when a god flew in the sky above the lake with a bag in which he collected various evil spirits, the bag broke, and devils poured into the lake. The most incredible story is about a monster that lives at the bottom. The locals even sometimes feed him. So that people do not rush

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The mystery of the Lake of Maiden's Tears The Kungur Ice Cave has long attracted tourists from all over Russia and abroad. Locals believe that in the Lake of Maiden's Tears, in the Long Grotto, a girl once drowned. According to legend, in the middle of the 18th century, a girl lived in Kungur, whose lover left her for a more prosperous bride. Then she swore an oath that she would never love again. A year later, a visiting young man began to look after the girl, and her heart thawed, but she was afraid to break the oath. Then the couple decided to get married not on the ground, but underground. During the ceremony in the cave, when the bride began to put a ring on the groom's finger, he turned into an ugly old man. The jewels presented to them earlier turned into ice cubes at the same moment. It turned out the man was a cave spirit. With grief, the girl drowned herself in a cave lake. According to legend, since then, visitors have heard a quiet cry coming from the bottom of the reservoir.

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The Tale of Polyud, Vetlan and Vishera. Dedicated to two brothers-heroes. Polyud had great power. Vetlan was shorter, but broad in the shoulders. But they had equal strength and dexterity. The heroes met the slender beauty Vishera - the daughter of forests and mountains. She fell in love with both heroes. Poljud and Vetlan proposed to the girl. The beauty was confused: both are loved by her, both are to her heart. Then the brothers engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Vishera rushed to them, begging tearfully, ardently to stop the fight. But the heroes did not listen to her. For 6 days and nights they threw heavy stones at each other. On the seventh day they were exhausted. Their heads drooped, their hot hearts stopped beating. The heroes Polyud and Vetlan turned into stones. Vishera fell between them like a clean river. Since then, she is a beauty and flows between two stone heroes. The brothers protect the peace of her and the whole region.

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Stone City Rocks in it - like a bizarre abandoned city, consisting of endless labyrinths - narrow streets, lanes and alleys. The locals called the halls "Devil's settlement", Turtles. There is a legend that a long time ago there was a city of stunning beauty on this place. It flourished and developed. The king of this city had a blind daughter, she was the only one who could not see the beauty of the place where she lives. The evil sorcerer offered the king a cure for his daughter, and the king agreed. But as soon as the princess could see, at that very moment the sorcerer turned all the houses, streets and inhabitants into stone. And the young princess was left only to admire the beautiful, but stone city ... And according to scientists, this is the mouth of an ancient river that flowed into the Perm Sea millions of years ago.

"Readers and the Library" - There are two divisions of the library at the disposal of readers: a subscription and a reading room. When enrolling in the library, readers get acquainted with the rules for using the library. Library hours. Methodical center. Reading room. The library provides additional services. Creation of comfortable working conditions for library staff and readers.

"Museums of Paris" - Eiffel Tower. The triumphal arch was built by Napoleon in honor of the greatest victories of the French people. Triumphal Arch. Luxembourg garden. The Arc de Triomphe is a magnificent landmark with a worldwide reputation. Currently, the meetings of the French Senate are held in the Luxembourg Palace.

"Hermitage Museum" - St. Petersburg. What have you learned? Borovikovsky Lizynka and Dashenka. The basic law of color combination. Sapunov "Vases flowers and fruits". Landscape. Light on dark. Composition. State Hermitage Museum. Hermitage museum portrait landscape. Drawing lesson 1st grade. Vasiliev "Wet Meadow". Shishkin "Rye". Dark on light.

"Museum-reserves" - Nevnyanskaya leaning tower. Intercession Convent founded. This status is assigned to museum complexes organized in the open air. According to the results of archaeological excavations, the founding of the city dates back to 1005. The harmonious ensemble of northern wooden architecture consists of buildings of the 18th-19th centuries.

"Russian Museum" - 8) What animal is depicted in the painting "Christ and the Sinner"? Donkey. Aivazovsky. K.P. Bryullov. 2) In which building is the Russian Museum located? Let's see some pictures! Pompey. 4) In honor of whom was the Russian Museum founded? Mikhailovsky Palace. I. K. Aivazovsky. The date of creation of the Russian Museum is April 1895.

"Mini Museum" - Actuality. Target. Mini-Museum "Best Friend". Tasks. Group rooms Locker room Rooms for extra classes Halls. General stage. The principle of scientificity The principle of objectivity Communication and information principle The principle of concentricity. Stage of project implementation. Mini-museum in kindergarten. Mini-museum "Sorceress Water".