Passport aliexpress com does not allow connection. Unable to log into AliExpress: fixing the problem. Other reasons why Aliexpress does not load

Each user of any trading platform faces problems when working with the site. Some are unable to leave comments, others cannot log into their personal account or the site does not work at all. Every situation has its own reasons.

We will talk about this in this article in more detail. We will deal with all the possible reasons why a user cannot enter the site and what to do in such situations.

Site not opening

Naturally, the problems of accessing the aliexpress portal are of great concern to all buyers. Here money is at stake, perhaps a person acquires a long-awaited thing and at the most crucial moment the portal does not open. There are several reasons for this problem, namely:

  • planned technical work is being carried out on the portal;
  • aliexpress on update;
  • various problems on the site.

The above difficulties occur with any site, you should not panic here, you just need to wait a bit. As a rule, updates or technical work take no more than two hours, troubleshooting may take longer, it all depends on the complexity of the breakdown. In any case, this will not affect customer orders, the cost of goods.

The aliexpress site may also be unavailable due to the slow operation of browsers on the client's computer. To enter the portal in such a situation, you can perform several operations:

  • try using a different browser, Opera or Yandex is best;
  • set the "Turbo" mode, this function increases the speed of the browser;
  • remove extensions and clear the cache in the browser;
  • if the above recommendations do not help, try to log in from another device, for example, a laptop, tablet or phone, if it logs in from another gadget, then the problem is most likely in the equipment.

When the portal does not open, the administration indicates the reason why the aliexpress site is not working.

I can't login to my account

This is the most common problem among aliexpress users. And there can be many reasons. Sometimes customers themselves are to blame for the difficulties with the entrance.

The first and most common situation is that the username and password are entered incorrectly. The first thing to check is the correctness of the input data. Perhaps the wrong layout is selected on the keyboard, a small letter is entered instead of a capital letter, and so on. The user can generally forget the password, the same thing happens. To recover your password and login, you must click on the "forgot password" button, enter the necessary information and receive new data by e-mail, and then log in to the system. The same operation can be performed if the system indicates incorrect input when entering data.

Such difficulties are most often encountered by new users. Another popular reason why a personal account does not open is an unverified account. After registration, any client must go to his email address and confirm the actions by clicking on the link provided in the letter. With the transition, you are logged into your account. Further, it is advisable to write down the login and password and leave it in a conspicuous place until the information is finally remembered.

Sometimes clients ask: for what reason can I not log in to my account if all the data is entered correctly, registration is confirmed and others? There may be two options here.

  • problems from aliexpress;
  • problems with the user's equipment.

In such a situation, it is best to contact the support service of the aliexpress site, for this you need to open the main page of the site and select the "Help" button in the upper right corner.

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing - this is the blocking of the user account. Whether he is guilty of this or not, let's try to figure it out.

The aliexpress administration can ban an account in some situations:

  • The user did not confirm his registration on the portal in time, that is, within 48 hours he did not follow the link that was sent to his email address.
  • Fraud user. Unfortunately, illegal actions can be found everywhere, this is payment with other people's bank cards or electronic money, for example, the qiwi system or Yandex money.
  • Frequent participation in disputes with sellers. If the user actively argues and tries to receive monetary compensation, when there are no justified reasons for this, then the portal administration blocks the account.
  • Customers try to bypass the aliexpress payment systems and try to negotiate directly with the sellers about the delivery of products.

If a person’s personal account is blocked, then at the entrance he will see the following message: “ Your account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons».

What to do in such a situation?

The first thing to realize if the service is not working is whether it is the fault of the blocking or not. If there is no access to the personal account due to the fault of the user, then it is impossible to unblock the account. The only way out is to re-register. In this case, you must specify a different name, phone number and email address. If the data is the same, the new account will also be automatically blocked. The ip address of the computer also affects this situation. Therefore, it is desirable to register from a new device. But sooner or later, if fraudulent activities are repeated, the account will be blocked again. Also, when the aliexpress administration is able to establish a connection with a new and old blocked account, it will be closed without explanation.

If a user logs into his account and sees a blocking message, then you can immediately understand the reason. When there is a link below: appeal for account reactivation - this indicates that the blocking is temporary or the administration has blocked access by mistake. Many will ask themselves: what can I do in such a situation?

If the user knows that there are no fraudulent transactions behind him, he can safely click on the link under blocking and go through the activation process again. After a successful procedure, he enters his personal account, where there will be all the necessary information about previous orders and previously entered account settings.

To speed up the account recovery process, you can contact the portal support center. This menu works even when access is closed. But, if the account is permanently closed (fraudulent transactions), then the user no longer has the opportunity to contact.

If the account does not work due to temporary and erroneous blocking, then in such a situation the user also writes a letter to the portal chat. The fact is that a person can visit his account, but he cannot perform basic operations with sellers, purchases, and so on during a temporary block.

In fact, the aliexpress site rarely blocks its users by mistake. Even if a person has good intentions, a fraudster can take over his account, and, using other people's data, carry out illegal actions. A person may ask: can I use my previous data to access the system? Unfortunately, in such a situation, an honest user does not have the opportunity to restore his account. Therefore, the login and password must be confidential and not fall into the hands of intruders.

But in general, the portal works correctly and does not cause difficulties with its use.

In this article, we will talk with you why it is not possible to enter your Aliexpress personal account.

Online shopping has become very popular today. This is the fastest and most comfortable way to get the things you want. The Chinese site is very popular. Aliexpress. To start shopping, you just need to register in the online store. But sometimes buyers have to deal with the fact that they can’t log in to the system. Let's look at the main causes and ways to solve them.

If this is your first time entering this site, then we advise you to additionally read the article on, which will tell you how to create a new account on Aliexpress and start shopping.

I can’t log in to Aliexpress - I forgot my password

One of the most common reasons why you can't log into your personal account Aliexpress is a forgotten password. But this situation is very easy to fix.

  • When you try to enter the site, the system prompts you to enter a username and password. Since we do not remember the password, instead of entering data, we must press.
  • First, the system will ask you to choose a recovery method. We choose by email.

  • Next, you need to write your email address and remove a small check. To do this, under the line for entering the address, click on the switch and swipe it to the right until the bar turns green. In the same box, select "Request".

  • Now you will receive a new email with a confirmation code. You need to specify it on a new page that appears on Aliexpress. Next, you also need to write "Request".

  • Only after that the system Aliexpress will allow you to create a new password. Enter it twice and confirm its creation.
  • That's all! Now the recovery is complete and you can enter the page with a new password.

There are also cases when even e-mail is forgotten. What then? In this case, when you start the password recovery procedure, then choose recovery not by e-mail, but through the support service. Then you will find yourself in a chat with an operator who will answer all your questions and help you regain access to your account.

Access to Aliexpress is closed - the site does not load

There may also be a situation where Aliexpress access will be blocked. This usually happens when the site is blocked by Roskomnadzor, if it suddenly finds prohibited goods in the catalogs. In addition, the reason for the loss of access to the site may be various problems, updates, or simply technical work.

Such problems are always temporary. Although the time to wait is always different. It can be an hour, a couple of hours or even a day. Despite the current situation, this will not affect your purchases and product prices in any way. The slow operation of the Internet or the browser itself can also affect performance. Just try to reconnect the Internet or change the browser. Or reboot the system, maybe there was a small glitch in it.

If you changed the device and were able to load the site from a tablet or phone, but it does not open on a computer, then the problem is really in the browser. So install another browser and use it temporarily.

I can’t log into my Aliexpress account - what should I do?

It also happens that the site seems to load well, does not freeze or crash, but now it does not allow you to enter your account. On the Aliexpress many have been in a similar situation. Again, the reason may lie in updating the site and you just need to be patient and wait. After a while, everything will work by itself and you will be able to go to your personal account.

Another cause may be an antivirus program or an ad blocker. Together they can block access to the site as if it were malicious. In this case, try to briefly remove the protection and go to Aliexpress .

If all this does not help you, then in this case, try writing to the site support service. She will help you solve your problem.

I can’t log in to Aliexpress from my phone: reasons

Sometimes users of the mobile version of Aliexpress may encounter an inability to log in to the site. First you need to make sure that the Internet connection is stable and that the application is not being updated. In addition, it will not be superfluous to find out if you are entering the data correctly.

No matter what the situation is, always, first of all, check the correctness of the information provided and whether the connection to your Internet is stable. If everything is done correctly and everything is in order with the Internet, then just wait a bit. Perhaps there was some kind of failure or another update is being downloaded.

I can’t log in to Aliexpress from a computer: reasons

More on Aliexpress Users periodically encounter a problem when they cannot log in from a computer. The problem may be both in the Internet connection and in the browser. Most importantly, do not panic and do everything in order.

The problem is resolved as follows:

  • First, check if there are enough funds on the Internet balance. Perhaps the subscription fee was simply charged and the Internet was turned off
  • Your antivirus program may have blocked access to the site. To do this, open the antivirus settings and do Aliexpress trusted site
  • There are viruses on your device. In this case, do a full scan of your computer and try to open it again. Aliexpress
  • The problem may be in the browser. In that case, try changing it.

If none of the options helped you, then only reinstalling the operating system will help. However, this is a last resort, and you can only use it when other sites are down.

I can’t log into my Aliexpress account - what should I do?

Another common case when you can't log in to Aliexpress at all or some functions do not work. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Site failure. This is a fairly common problem. You will not be able to influence it in any way, it remains only to wait until everything gets better by itself. The only option, if nothing helps at all, is to write to the support service and ask for help.
  • Also, as an option - your browser is configured incorrectly. You just need to change the settings. To do this, open the browser menu and go to the settings. Next, find the clear history button and delete all unnecessary data.

I can't log in to Aliexpress with the correct password

There are also situations when, the password seems to be correct, and enter on Aliexpress still doesn't work. In this case, the problem can be solved in the following ways:

  • Check if you entered the correct password and login
  • If you are sure that you did everything correctly, then first write the information into a text editor and copy it
  • Change your password to something simpler

If this does not solve the problem, please contact support. Aliexpress and ask for help.

Why is Aliexpress not working today?

It also happens that yesterday Aliexpress it worked flawlessly and there were no problems with it, and today it does not even open. At the same time, users often begin to worry, especially if they have already paid for the order. This is also due to the reasons mentioned earlier:

  • Carrying out technical work on the site
  • Data update
  • Website problems

In any of these situations, you just have to wait for everything to work out by itself. By the way, the administration of the site will definitely warn you about the work, so check your email.

Video: What to do if Aliexpress does not open? Blocked or unavailable

This article is designed to help if you have the following questions - what to do if Aliexpress ( does not work, does not open, does not load, does not load, cannot log in or go.

It happens that Aliexpress does not work or does not open, and instead of the site, the inscription “Cannot access the site”, “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”, etc. flaunts.

Usually, in reality the site works, because such a “huge” Internet resource is monitored by many administrators and technical specialists. The truth is that the site does not open only for you. But, if you are reading these lines, it means that everything is fine with the Internet connection.

And it happens, damn it, that Aliexpress does not work on the day of mass discounts, as it was in my case. This needs to be addressed.

Installation and registration are quite simple, but still I will post screenshots of the necessary steps for clarity:

What else does using a VPN give you?

What else does using a VPN give besides solving the problem of inaccessibility:

  • Information encryption, - those who can track your activities or purchases on the Internet, for example, your Internet service provider, will simply no longer be able to know which site you visit or what you buy.
  • Confidentiality and blocking bypass in one package, - do not want to "shine" your IP address? Banned from a forum, blog or any other site? ZenMate will help with this as well. This is the famous IP change. For any site, you will now be a completely different user with a completely different IP address.
  • With ZenMate you can become a resident of almost any country. In the free version of the plugin, you can access any Internet resource from Germany, Romania, China, USA. The site will assume that you are a resident of this country, in some cases this is very useful. For example, some foreign online stores automatically display their best products only for users in their country. In the paid version, you can become a resident of about 20 more countries.

One more thing, do not forget about other famous trading platforms and online stores.

Many users from the Russian Federation are faced with the following problem - Aliexpress does not work. Some cannot enter the page at all, others cannot leave a comment, pay for an order, etc. Of course, buyers start to panic in this case, because we are talking about money. Often people think that their account has been blocked and try to write to the site administration by any means.

Experienced PC users have already found a way out of this situation. Someone uses the Opera or Yandex browsers in Turbo mode, and someone prefers to use an anonymizer (a program or site with which you can hide or change the IP address). Well, most of the users are patiently waiting.

If the protection time of your order allows, we recommend that you wait a little. This problem is known to the Aliexpress administration, and they are already working on it. Soon the site will start working as usual, because the Aliexpress team is primarily interested in the stable operation of the resource.

Why won't Aliexpress open?

The official reason is still unknown. The Aliexpress administration only reports that they are already working on this issue, and that everything will be resolved soon.

The following versions are discussed on the network:

  1. Aliexpress was blocked on the initiative of Roskomnadzor due to the presence on the site of articles telling about different methods of suicide. And also because of the presence on Aliexpress of pages with smoking mixtures, which are prohibited in the Russian Federation.

To date, it is known that the blocking has allegedly been canceled, but some providers have not yet fully accessed the resource.

  1. According to the second version, the site was not blocked. The problem is that the Aliexpress cache servers are located on the Rostelecom network, so the site initially opens in the Russian Federation in the normal mode, and as for authorization, it occurs along the Europe-US-China route.

Other reasons why Aliexpress does not load

Reasons for not loading may also be:

  • Carrying out technical work on the site;
  • Site update;
  • Possible problems.

In all three cases, you just need to wait a bit.

Another reason may be the slow operation of the browser. In this case, try resetting your settings, clearing cache, cookies, removing extensions. Or try using a different browser.

Quite often, the problem with authorization on the site is associated with an incorrect password entry. The first thing to do is, of course, to check the correctness of the entered data. If the data was entered correctly, but you still cannot log in, the only solution is to change the password.

If you have tried all of the above steps, but you still cannot enter the site, try using the program. Through it, you can easily go to Aliexpress in your personal account.

Many users of the aliexpress website cannot access the "My Orders" section. This problem could be caused by a system update of the aliexpress website.

Technical specialists of the site aliexpress - deny the existence of a problem on the platform!

The problem did not affect everyone, but only a small number of users.

The fastest and surest way to enter my orders is to use a different browser.

But, if you don’t want to remember your password from the aliexpress site again or look for a piece of paper with it. Then you just need to clear the CACHE and Cookies of your browser, from which you have already tried to enter the my orders section.

But there is also such an outcome of events that this problem is caused by an error in your account / profile on aliexpress. In this case, you need to contact the aliexpress support service through this article:" AliExpress Support "

(To contact the operator, you need to view the current information in the video recording, in the article)

Error: This page cannot currently be displayed. Our engineers are working hard to fix this problem. Please check back later...

If you cannot log in to the aliexpress website, and you get the following error:

This page cannot currently be displayed. Our engineers are working hard to fix this problem. Please check back later...

Then most likely you are using the Mozilla browser.

In order to log in to aliexpress, you need to use the Mozilla browser to enter the profile (account) of Aliexpress using private window(Mozilla has such a mode).

After that, you will enter the aliexpress website without any problems and the first time!

This article (about the problem, with the entrance to my orders) - was created to discuss and solve this problem. So, do not be shy and ask questions in the comments to this article. And preferably with a detailed description of the error with screenshots!

After all, we can comment without registering!