Memo family healthy lifestyle. “Memo for parents on the formation of the rules of a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age. You fight with her every day

Olga Romanova
Memo for parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers

1. Start the day with a smile. Remember, how you wake up a child depends on his psychological mood for the whole day.

2 . Don't forget to recharge. If the day starts with a charge, then everything will be in order.

3 . Personal example of an adult healthy lifestyle(proper nutrition, adherence to the daily regimen, hardening, playing sports, giving up bad habits).

4 . Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.

5 . The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air.

6 . Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, do not abuse sweets.

7 . Do not overeat and remember that overeating is much more dangerous than not eating enough.

8 . Love your child. Hug him more often.

9 . Do not trust the upbringing of your baby to TV and computer.

How we, parents, treat our children today determines the attitude of children tomorrow to us parents, as well as the attitude of our children to their future children.

Dear parents, be an example for your children, strengthen your health, lead a healthy lifestyle!

Dear colleagues, such a memo can be distributed to parents after the meeting or placed on the "Information for Parents" stand.

Care for the development and health of the child begins essentially with the organization of a healthy lifestyle in the family. A healthy lifestyle is also a favorable emotional climate in the family, a benevolent attitude of parents towards each other and a child, this is a proper balanced diet, and the use of physical exercises. And most importantly, exemplary behavior of adults.

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1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.

2. Follow the regime of the day.

3. Better a smart book than aimless TV watching.

4. Love your child - he is yours.

5. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your way.

6. Hug a child should be at least 4 times a day, and preferably 8 times.

7. There are no bad children, there are bad deeds.

8. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.

9. A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.

10. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.

11. Remember: simple food is healthier than artful dishes.

12. The best type of recreation is a walk with the whole family in the fresh air.

13. The best entertainment for a child is a joint game with parents.

Take care of the child's nervous system!

Many children are capricious, irritated, cry because of every trifle, cannot find something to do, they are drawn to everything, and in case of refusal they kick them.

Analyze where the baby has such extreme irritability: is his daily routine built correctly, is there overwork, is he sick?

Often such nervous excitement is the result of an overload of the child's nervous system and the reason for this, as a rule, is the parents themselves. Many parents take their children shopping, to the cinema, to visit, where there is a lot of noise and talk. It is not uncommon for parents to yell at their children or bully them. All this turns out to be on the fragile nervous system of the child and loosens it.

Parents! Be always even, affectionate and friendly with the child.

Try to get rid of too bright

and strongly exciting his nervous system impressions.

Take care of the child's nervous system!

Organizing meals for a child at home

On weekdays, a child attending kindergarten eats at home once at dinner, and on weekends he has breakfast, lunch and dinner at home.

The child needs to eat strictly on time, this is very important for a good appetite and assimilation of food.

In the intervals between feedings, the child should not be given any food, especially sweets.

During lunch, you also need to follow the sequence and sequence in changing dishes: do not immediately put the first and second on the table, and even more sweet.

Try to give your baby more fruits, berries, raw vegetables - this stimulates the appetite and enriches the body with vitamins and mineral salts necessary for its development.

It is useful for a child to take a walk before eating, but a walk for him should not be tiring and exciting.

Persistently and patiently instill in your child the skills of cleanliness and independence: wash your hands before eating, take out your bib or apron, bring your plate and spoon, wipe yourself with a napkin after eating.

After eating, remind your child to clean up after themselves from the table, put the cup on the saucer, put the spoon on the plate.

It is necessary to remember:

ü The child must be fed at a fixed time.

ü Give only what is appropriate for your age.

ü Children should be fed calmly, patiently, giving them the opportunity to chew food well.

ü Never force feed your baby.

ü Do not distract from eating by reading or playing.

ü Do not use rewards for eaten, threats and punishments for not eaten.

Should be encouraged:

ü the desire of the child to eat independently;

ü the desire of the child to participate in serving and cleaning the table.

Children need to be taught:

ü wash hands thoroughly before eating;

ü chew food with mouth closed:

ü eat only at the table;

ü correctly use a spoon, fork, knife;

ü getting up from the table, check your place, whether it is clean enough, if necessary, clean it yourself;

ü after finishing the meal, thank those who prepared it, served the table.

When laying the habit in children to eat different foods, adults should be patient, since a positive attitude towards food in children takes a very long time to form, especially if there are no unanimous views on this matter in the family and kindergarten.

About hardening

Sleeping in a cool, well-ventilated room is a good hardening aid. In summer, it is desirable that the child be outdoors as much as possible, sleep at night in a room with an open window or window.

It is necessary that the child walks in any weather, not being afraid of frost, light rain, wind. Only very strong winds, heavy rain, frost over 18-20 degrees should be avoided.

For walks, you should allocate a certain time in the daily routine.

Children should be dressed according to the season. Clothing should not overheat the child and interfere with free movements.

The child's feet should be washed daily at night in cool water, and hands should also be taught to wash only with cool water.

In addition to these means of hardening the child's body, there are special procedures: dousing, wiping, air baths, gymnastics. But these means of hardening must be approached individually, taking into account the state of health of each child individually.

To choose the right method of hardening, you must always consult a doctor.

Dear dads and moms!

If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them to keep their health:

Try to make sure that in your family physical education and sports become an integral part of joint leisure.

Instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports from an early age!

Respect the sports interests and passions of your child!

Support his desire to participate in the sports activities of the group and kindergarten!

Participate in sports activities of the group and kindergarten, this helps to strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

Raise in your children respect for people involved in sports!

Tell us about your sporting achievements in childhood and adolescence!

Give your children sports equipment and equipment!

Demonstrate your example of physical education and sports!

"Healthy lifestyle of children is the task of parents"

Often adults believe that the most important thing for a child is to learn a lot. Is it possible to know the world if you feel dizzy, if the body is weakened by illness and laziness, if it does not know how to deal with ailments?

Raising a child in a family, we often use the word "habit". The bad habits of preschoolers usually include irresponsibility, disorganization, laziness. At the heart of these problems lies the lack of the habit of being healthy both spiritually and physically. From an early age, it is necessary to form a positive image of a healthy person. Convince children that if you do not play sports, it will be difficult to achieve success in learning, you will not become strong and healthy!

Modern man understands less and less what physical labor is. A sedentary lifestyle affects the overall health of children. Physical culture classes make up for the lack of motor activity only by 11%. The family, preschool institution should help to form the habit of maintaining health.

Parents often brush off children's problems, considering them not serious. However, self-esteem of appearance, figure does not allow the child to live in peace, interferes with communication with friends, and can even lead to tragedy.

In such a situation, parents must understand that they are obliged to support their child, to do the almost impossible, to show by personal example how best to improve their appearance by doing physical education.

If parents take care of their health, their physical form, then the child will lead an active lifestyle, he is always ready to imitate: exercises in the morning, outdoor activities on weekends, hardening. Joint walks, hikes - that's the cure for diseases of the soul and body.

It is necessary for parents: not to strive to free the child from physical education classes, they are as important as the classes of any other subject in kindergarten; to promote his systematic studies in the sports section; participate in all sports activities of the kindergarten, both as participants and fans; promote a healthy lifestyle in the family; get rid of bad habits and lead an active lifestyle.

Parents together with physical education instructors should become equal participants in the physical education of children - the development of endurance and other physical qualities, the expansion of other physical qualities, the expansion of motor skills, ensuring physical perfection, and preventing mental overwork.

Physical education should become a way of life for children!

It is necessary to provide an opportunity for everyone to join a sports and health-improving lifestyle so that health care becomes a habit. When realizing a healthy lifestyle, moral principles are combined with practical actions. Physical education contributes to the upbringing of courage, willpower, diligence, nobility and mercy.

High results in work, sports, improving health, maintaining excellent physical shape leave no room for bad habits!

Any sport you choose will give your child the initial physical development, create the basis for further specialization, when the child himself consciously chooses, maybe even another sport.

Physical culture and sports help to create a rational daily regimen so that the day is fruitful and rich, to successfully combine physical activity with rest: they discipline, promote spiritual and physical development.

A family in which a healthy lifestyle reigns and loves physical culture and sports, passes on its traditions from generation to generation.

Habit Forming
to a healthy lifestyle.
Dear dads and moms!
If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them to keep their health. Try to make sure that in your family physical education and sports become an integral part of joint leisure.
- Instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports from early childhood!
- Respect the sports interests and passions of your child!
- Support the desire to participate in class and school sports activities!
- Participate in class and school sports activities, this helps to strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!
- Raise in your children respect for people involved in sports!
- Tell us about your sporting achievements in childhood and adolescence!
- Give your children sports equipment and equipment!
- Demonstrate your example of physical education and sports!
- Take your child outdoor walks with the whole family, hikes and excursions!
- Rejoice in the success in the sport of your child and his friends!
- In the most visible place in the house, place awards for your child's sports achievements!
- Support your child in case of failure, temper his will and character!

Physical education at home

So that classes bring only benefit and health to your child,
it is necessary, first of all, to carefully study the specialized literature!

It is desirable to conduct classes in one specially prepared place, free from furniture. It is first necessary to ventilate the room well and carry out wet cleaning (dust is the strongest allergen).

The workout should last 15-20 minutes.

It is better to train at about the same time and regularly (every or every other day) so that they develop a need.

Studying at home, the child will receive more attention and train according to an individual program.

Promote a healthy lifestyle for your children.
1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.
2. Follow the regime of the day.
3. Remember: a smart book is better than aimless TV watching.
4. Love your child, he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your way.
5. Hug your child more often.
6. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.
7. There are no bad children, there are bad deeds.
8. A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.
9. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.
10. Remember: simple food is healthier than artful dishes.
11. The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is a joint game with parents.

A healthy lifestyle is:
- rational daily routine
- proper nutrition
- complete sleep
- physical activity
- physical education and sports
Outdoor stay
- no bad habits

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Keep your finger on the pulse and
take care of your child's health!

Healthy lifestyle.

How to form
HLS in the family?

Physical education instructor
Novikova L.I.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle:
1. Start a new day with a smile and with a morning
2. Follow the regime of the day.
3. Remember: a smart book is better than an aimless one.
watching TV.
4. Love your child, he is yours. Respect Members
your family, they are fellow travelers on your way.
5. Hug your child more often.
6. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis
psychological survival.
7. There are no bad children, there are bad deeds.
8. Personal example in a healthy lifestyle -
better than any morality.
9. Use natural hardening factors -
sun, air and water.
Escort service
foster families
"Healthy image
children's lives
a task

Raising a child in a family, we often use the word
"habit". To the bad habits of students usually
include irresponsibility, disorganization, laziness. AT
the basis of these problems lies in the lack of the habit of being
healthy both spiritually and physically. From an early age it is necessary
form a positive image of a healthy person.
Reassure children that if you do not play sports,
it will be difficult to achieve success in learning, you will not
strong and healthy!
Modern man understands less and less that
is physical labor. Sedentary lifestyle
(classes at school, lessons at home, sitting in front of a computer
TV) affects overall health
children. Physical education lessons make up for the deficit
motor activity only by 11%. Help
form the habit of maintaining health
family, general education and sports schools.
Parents often brush aside children's problems,
considering them not serious. However, self-assessment of external
appearance, figure does not allow a teenager to live in peace, interferes
communicating with friends can even lead to tragedy.
In such a situation, parents need to understand that they
are obliged to support their child, to make almost
impossible, to show by personal example how it is possible
it is better to improve your appearance by doing physical
If parents take care of their health, their physical
form, then the child will lead an active lifestyle,
he is always ready to imitate: exercises in the morning, active
rest on weekends, hardening. Joint
walks, hikes - this is the cure for diseases of the soul and body.
Need for parents: not to seek to free the child
from physical education lessons, they are as important as
lessons of any other subject at school; promote
his systematic studies in the sports section;
participate (together with teachers) in all sports
school events, both as participants and
fans; promote a healthy lifestyle in the family;
Parents together with physical education teachers and
coaches-teachers of sports schools should
become equal participants in the physical
parenting - development of endurance and other
physical qualities, expansion and other physical
qualities, expanding motor skills, preparing for
labor and military service, providing physical
Physical education should become a way of life for children!

There needs to be an opportunity for everyone to join
sports and health-improving lifestyle so that
health care has become a habit. When realizing
healthy lifestyle moral principles
combined with practical actions. Lessons
physical culture contributes to the education
courage, willpower, diligence, nobility and
High results in work, sports, health improvement,
maintaining excellent physical shape does not leave
places for bad habits!
Any sport you choose will give you an initial
physical development of your child, will create the basis for
further specialization, when the child himself consciously
maybe even choose another sport.
Physical education and sports help
create a rational daily routine so that the day goes by
fruitful and rich, successfully combine physical
The family that reigns
load with rest: they discipline, promote
healthy lifestyle,
spiritual and physical development.
and love the physical
culture and sports,
sends his
tradition from generation
to a generation.