Non-traditional forms of classes in the dou according to fgos. Non-traditional forms of employment. in the program "From childhood to adolescence"

4. Non-traditional forms of classes

At present, in the practice of preschool institutions, non-traditional forms of organization of education are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children. They are combined with circle work: in manual labor, in fine arts. Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the idea of ​​the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child's time, which he can use at his own discretion: to relax or do what is interesting or emotionally significant for him.

The project method is used today not only in the process of conducting classes on the environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions. Its use characterizes the search by educators for new forms of organizing the learning process and conducting classes with children in a preschool educational institution.

The project method is widely used today in work with pupils of different age groups, groups of short-term stay of children in preschool educational institutions. At the same time, according to N.A. Korotkova and a number of other researchers, classes in this case, in contrast to the traditional approach, can be carried out in the form of a joint partner activity of an adult with children, where the principle of voluntary involvement in activities is respected. This is especially true for productive activities: designing or sculpting, drawing, appliqué.

Widely used are various forms of "hobby classes", saturated with games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the lesson more interesting, attractive, more productive. Widespread use in the practice of organizing and conducting classes has received such forms as lesson - conversation and lesson - observation. These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions.

Fairy tale therapy classes are popular. Fairy tale therapy classes with children are a special, safe form of interaction with a child, which is most consistent with the characteristics of childhood. This is an opportunity for the formation of moral values, the implementation of the correction of undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child.

The use of didactic fairy tale therapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

5. Features of organizing and conducting classes in different age groups

Achieving positive results depends on the correct organization of the educational process. When attending classes, first of all, you should pay attention to the observance of hygienic conditions: the room must be ventilated; in general normal lighting, the light should fall from the left side; equipment, tools and materials and their placement must meet pedagogical, hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

The duration of the lesson must comply with the established norms, and the time must be fully used. Of great importance is the beginning of the lesson, the organization of children's attention, the setting of an educational or creative task for the children, and an explanation of how to accomplish it.

It is important that the educator, while explaining, showing the methods of action, activates the children, encourages them to comprehend, remember what he is talking about. Children should be given the opportunity to repeat, pronounce certain provisions (for example, how to solve a problem, make a toy). The explanation should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

During the lesson, the teacher attracts all children to active participation in the work, taking into account their individual characteristics, forms the skills of educational activities in children, develops the ability to evaluate and control their actions. The educational situation is used to develop in children a benevolent attitude towards comrades, endurance, purposefulness.

During the lesson, the teacher communicates knowledge to children in a strict logical sequence. But any knowledge (especially new) should be based on the subjective experience of the child, his interests, inclinations, aspirations, individually significant values ​​that determine the uniqueness of perception and awareness of the world around each child.

In the process of communication in the classroom, there is not only a one-sided influence of the teacher on the child, but also the reverse process.

The child should be able to make the most of his own, already existing experience, personally significant for him, and not just unconditionally accept (“learn”) everything that the teacher tells him.

In this sense, the teacher and the child act as equal partners, bearers of heterogeneous, but equally necessary experience. The main idea of ​​a student-oriented lesson is to reveal the content of the child's individual experience, to harmonize it with the given one, and thereby achieve personal assimilation of this new content.

The teacher must consider not only what material he will communicate, but what possible overlaps of this material with the personal experience of children.

When organizing a lesson, the professional position of the teacher consists in a knowingly respectful attitude to any statement of the child on the content of the topic under discussion.

We need to think about how to discuss children's "versions" not in a rigidly evaluative situation (right - wrong), but in an equal dialogue. Only in this case, children will strive to be "heard" by adults.

One of the forms of increasing the working capacity of children, preventing fatigue associated with great concentration, prolonged attention strain, as well as the uniform position of the body while sitting at the table, is a physical education minute. Physical education has a positive effect on the activation of children's activities, helps to prevent posture disorders. In all kindergartens of the city, physical education sessions are organized systematically. Usually these are short-term breaks (2-3 minutes) for 2-3 physical education exercises in mathematics, mother tongue, and activity classes. In the second junior and middle groups, physical education sessions are held in a playful way. The time of their implementation and the selection of exercises are determined by the nature and content of the lesson. So, for example, in the classes of drawing, modeling, physical education includes active flexion, extension of the arms, bringing and spreading the fingers, free shaking of the hands. In the classes on the development of speech, mathematics, exercises for the back muscles are used - sipping, straightening with deep breathing through the nose. During the exercises, children, as a rule, remain in their places. In order to enhance the emotional impact of physical education minutes, educators can use small poetic texts.

In each age group, classes have their own characteristics both in time and in organization.

4th year of life - 10 lessons lasting no more than 15 minutes.

5th year of life - 10 lessons lasting no more than 20 minutes.

6th year of life 13 lessons lasting no more than 25 minutes.

7th year of life - 14 lessons lasting no more than 30 minutes.

Classes for additional education, if any, are provided for by the work plans of the preschool educational institution, are held in agreement with the parent committee. In the second younger group - 1 lesson, in the middle group - 2 lessons, in the older group - 2 lessons, in the preparatory group for school - 3 lessons per week.

In accordance with the approximate regimes of the day and the time of year, classes in groups are recommended to be held from September 1 to May 31. The educator is given the right to vary the place of classes in the pedagogical process, integrate the content of various types of classes depending on the goals and objectives of training and education, their place in the educational process; reduce the number of regulated classes, replacing them with other forms of education.

At early preschool age, games are held with children - classes. In the first group of early age, classes are conducted with children individually. Due to the fact that in the first year of a child's life, skills are formed slowly and frequent exercises are required for their formation, games - classes are carried out not only daily, but several times during the day.

In the second group of early age, 2 classes are held with children. The number of children participating in classes depends not only on their age, but also on the nature of the lesson, its content.

All new types of classes, until the children master the primary skills and master the necessary rules of conduct, are carried out either individually or with a subgroup of no more than 3 people.

With a subgroup of 3–6 people (half of the age group), classes are held to teach objective activities, design, physical education, as well as most speech development classes.

With a group of 6-12 people, you can conduct classes with a free form of organization, as well as musical and those where the leading activity is visual perception.

When combining children into a subgroup, it should be borne in mind that their level of development should be approximately the same.

The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes for children from 1 year 6 months and 10-12 minutes for older children. However, these figures may vary depending on the content of the learning activity. Activities of new types, as well as those that require more concentration from children, can be shorter.

The form of organizing children for classes can be different: the kids sit at the table, on chairs arranged in a semicircle, or move freely around the group room.

The effectiveness of the lesson to a greater extent depends on how emotionally it flows.

An important didactic principle, on the basis of which the methodology of classes with children of the 2nd year of life is built, is the use of visualization in combination with the word.

Education of young children should be visual and effective.

In groups of older children, when cognitive interests are already developing, it is enough to report on the topic or the main goal of the lesson. Older children are involved in organizing the necessary environment, which also contributes to the emergence of interest in the lesson. However, the content and nature of setting learning objectives are of primary importance.

Children are gradually accustomed to certain rules of behavior in the classroom. The educator reminds the children about them all the time both during the organization of the lesson and at the beginning of it.

At the end of the lesson with older children, the general total of cognitive activity is formulated. At the same time, the educator strives to ensure that the final judgment is the fruit of the efforts of the children themselves, to encourage them to emotionally evaluate the lesson.

The end of the lesson in the younger groups is aimed at strengthening positive emotions associated with both the content of the lesson and the activities of children. Only gradually in the middle group is a certain differentiation in the evaluation of the activity of individual children introduced. The final judgment and assessment is made by the educator, from time to time involving children in it.

The main form of education: developing classes using methods, didactic games, game techniques.

The main forms of organizing children of older groups in the classroom are frontal and subgroup.

The most effective form of socialization of the child in early and preschool childhood. The game is the result and indicator of the entire educational process. Conclusion "The program of education and training in kindergarten" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova (3rd edition, Moscow, 2005) is revised and updated taking into account the latest achievements of modern science and ...

The moral qualities of the personality of the child, lays the initial foundations of the general culture of the future person. II. Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of activities of children in kindergarten 2.1 Methods of musical education in kindergarten The main type of musical activity, which plays a leading role in the implementation of the cognitive and communicative function of music, is its perception ...

The inexpediency of transferring the content and methods of school education to this level. It should be noted that the improvement of continuity in the work of kindergarten and school will provide conditions for successful learning in the first grade. At the same time, it is important for educators to know the basic approaches to teaching mathematics in the first grade, to familiarize them with modern textbooks. Prepare for learning...

The queue has a positive effect on other learning functions: both on the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and on increasing the creative potential of students. 1.3 Specifics of the use of problem-based learning in kindergarten A feature of a healthy mentality of a child is cognitive activity. The curiosity of the child is constantly aimed at understanding the world around him and building his own picture of this ...

Smirnova Gulnar Fanzavievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 149"
Locality: Voronezh region Voronezh, Kominternovsky district
Material name: Article
Topic: Development of classical and non-standard classes in the preschool educational institution.
Publication date: 14.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Development of classical and non-standard classes in the preschool educational institution.

In the modern system of preschool education, there are many days

changes, the success of which is associated with the implementation of the national

project "Education". For this reason, the relevance of using different

types of classes in the educational process of preschool educational institutions only

increases. But at this stage, each educator is faced with a difficult

task of choice: classic or non-standard. Many experienced teachers

they tend to believe that what has been accumulated over the centuries remains valuable forever. It is forbidden

do without solid, systematic, deep knowledge. At the same time, analysis

practical activities of the educator speaks of the need

use of non-standard methods in the work of the educator.

The upbringing, education and development of the child's personality are determined by the conditions

his life in kindergarten and family. The main forms of organization of this life in

kindergarten are: play and related forms of activity, activities,

subject-practical activity.

Most of the life of a kindergarten is made up of classes, the purpose of which

It consists in the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities by the teacher to the child. Usually

it is assumed that this leads to the enrichment of physical and spiritual culture

child, contributes to the formation of his independence, ability to

joint coordinated activity, curiosity.

A lesson is an organized form of learning and a time span of the process

learning, capable of reflecting all its structural components (general

pedagogical goal, didactic tasks, content, methods and means


The main features of the lesson should be highlighted:

Occupation - the main unit of the didactic cycle and the form of organization


According to the time interval, it takes from 10-15 minutes (in the younger

preschool age) up to 30-35 minutes (at senior preschool age);

The lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type

cognitive activity (for example: speech development + visual


Occupation can be traditional (classical) and non-traditional.

Classical classes and their classification

It is logical to classify traditional occupations on the basis of

selected tasks and the types of activities used for their implementation.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of a preschooler, analyzing the methodological

a separate type of lesson for the study of new material, development and

improvement of knowledge and skills, since in each of the classes there is

repetition, consolidation and expansion of children's ideas.

Types of non-traditional activities.

Competition classes (lined up on the basis of competition between children):

who will quickly name, find, identify, notice, etc.

Classes-KVN (involving the division of children into two subgroups and are held

like a math or literature quiz).

Theatrical classes (micro-scenes are played, carrying children

cognitive information).

Classes-plot-role-playing games (the teacher enters the role-playing game as

an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and solving

way of the learning task).

Consulting sessions (when a child learns “horizontally”,

consulting another child).

Mutual learning sessions (the “consultant” child teaches other children

design, application, drawing).

Classes-auctions (conducted as a board game "Manager").

Occupations-doubts (search for truth). (Research activities of children

type: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - sinks, etc.)

Formula lessons (offered in the book by Sh. A. Amonashvili “Hello,

Travel activities.

Binary studies (ed. J. Rodari). (Compilation of creative stories on

based on the use of two objects, from a change in the position of which they change

Fantasy activities.

Classes-concerts (separate concert numbers that carry cognitive


Dialogue classes (conducted according to the type of conversation, but the topic is selected

relevant and interesting).

Classes such as "The investigation is conducted by experts" (work with a diagram, a map of a group

kindergarten, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline).

Classes such as "Field of Miracles" (conducted as a game "Field of Miracles" for readers

Classes "Intellectual casino" (conducted according to the type of "Intellectual

casino” or quizzes with answers to questions: what? where? when?).

In the course of personal development of classes and their application in practice, we conducted

comparative analysis, which reveals the main differences between

classical and non-standard activities. Table as an example

one of the well-known and frequently used non-traditional systems is given

parenting - the Montessori system.

Montessori system

Traditional learning

Emphasis on cognitive and social


Emphasis on social development

The teacher plays a guiding role

in the course of the lesson

The teacher is the central figure

in the process of playing

"supervisory" role

The environment and method of teaching develop


The teacher mainly provides


Basically a personalized approach

Group and individual approach to



Different age groups

One age group

Group work stimulates children

help and teach each other

The only teacher who teaches

The child chooses activities

The finished schedule is generated for

The child develops his own

principles, with the help of materials for

independent work

The teacher leads the child to

certain principles

The child is working on the chosen

project for as long as

sees fit

The child is usually given

fixed time for work

The child develops in his own

rhythm and direction

Rhythm and direction are developed and

set by the group

The child notices his own mistakes

work with educational materials

When checking work, for errors

usually indicated by the teacher

The child reinforces knowledge

through repetition and through

inner sense of success

Knowledge is reinforced through external

factors through repetition and


Materials for physical

research to reach

multiple senses

Fewer development materials

sense organs

Organized care program

oneself and the environment (hygiene and

Less emphasis on self-care

The child can choose a place of work,

move freely and communicate

(provided it interferes with others

work); group work on

conditions of voluntariness

The child must sit on the allotted

place, while participating in the process

group exercise, sit still

calmly and listen carefully

Organized program for

explaining philosophy to parents

Montessori systems and their involvement

into the learning process

Parental involvement is

voluntary, and not always


Practice shows that feedback from pupils is better when

the educator uses non-standard forms of education. Thus, we

face the indispensability of using new digital technologies in

upbringing, which is due to the requirement of the modern developing


Information technology in the modern world allows most

teachers to show creativity, encourage them to look for new non-traditional

forms and methods of the educational process.

Pedagogical discussions about the introduction of information and communication

technologies in the educational process are carried out enough

for a long time. But in the modern world it is difficult to stand still, therefore, we want this

or not, but information and communication technologies are firmly included in

educational process of preschool institutions.

According to recent scientific research, the use of ICT in the development of speech

children in preschool age allows:

1. The ideas of pupils about the world around are expanding,

vocabulary is enriched.

2. Children will express their thoughts more logically and consistently, more

deeply understand the meaning of words.

3. The ability to convey your impressions of what you listened to will be formed.

musical composition, from a viewed painting or illustration.

4. There is a desire to retell texts, invent interesting stories.

5. There is an interest in memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.

6. Children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of


Preschoolers, with their visual-figurative thinking, understand only that

what can be seen, heard, acted upon, or evaluated at the same time

object action. For this reason, in our work we use

multimedia presentations is a program that may contain

text materials, photographs, drawings, slide shows, sound design and

narration, video clips and animation.

The use of multimedia presentations in the work prevents

fatigue of children, supports their cognitive activity, increases

overall performance of our work. Their use in development classes

speeches are interesting for children and, which is not unimportant, for myself. The screen attracts

attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve in group work with

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes

emotionally colored, attractive, cause the child to live

interest, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration

material for good performance.

For example, the use of multimedia presentations in development classes

speech ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and

visual selection of signs and properties of objects by them, are formed

methods of visual perception, examination, selection in the objective world

qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal features and

properties, attention and visual memory develop.

The ability of a modern computer helps

display information simultaneously in text form, graphic

image, video, sound, memorize and process information for

pupils of preschool age.

Methodological base.

Works of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, EI

Ivanova, NP Chudova and others) confirm the feasibility of using

information technology in the development of cognitive abilities of senior

preschoolers. Scientists note the developing role of computer and gaming

complex in kindergarten in working with children from the age of five. In our country,

Since 1986, work has been underway to introduce information and

communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education based on the center

named after A. V. Zaporozhets by researchers led by L. A. Paramonova,

L. S. Novoselova, L. D. Chaivanova. Since 2008 we have been developing

theoretical foundations for the use of information and communication

technologies (ICT) in the educational work of preschool


The purpose of my teaching experience: to improve the quality of development, to increase

motivate children to acquire new knowledge, accelerate the process of mastering knowledge,

and to update the forms and methods of working with children.

It should be noted that the use of information and communication

technology in kindergarten does not provide for teaching children school

fundamentals of informatics and computer technology, and:

Transformation of the subject-developing environment of the child

Creation of new means for child development

Using the new visibility.

Based on this, I have set the following tasks for using

information technologies in their pedagogical activity:

1. Make education modern (in terms of using

technical means);

2. Bring educational activities closer to the worldview of the modern

a child, as he looks and listens more than reads and speaks;

prefers to use information obtained through technical

3. Establish a relationship of mutual understanding, mutual assistance between the teacher

and pupil;

4. Help yourself to be able to emotionally and figuratively present the material.

5. Save time, both yours and your child's, increase density

educational activity, to enrich it with new content.

In the course of my work, I actively master and implement computer technologies in

my pedagogical activity, and the psychological expediency of my

experience should be noted by the fact that a modern child learns only

the information that interested him the most, the closest,

familiar to him, one that evokes pleasant and comfortable feelings.

Creative educators who strive to keep up with the times should

to delve into and study all the possibilities of introducing modern information

communication technologies in their practical activities.

And the first direction of using information and communication


This is work with children.

1. Use in the educational process as your own

as well as ready-made presentations.

2. (IG Board Interactive Whiteboard)

Use of the interactive whiteboard and interactive games in

educational process.

To compose games for working on an interactive whiteboard, I use

SMART Notebook 10 program.

3. For individual work, I use ready-made

tutorials: "Little Genius", "Fun Lessons", "Go

there, I don't know where."

During work, sanitary standards regarding working hours are observed

preschoolers at the computer.

At GCD use of ICT - technology no more than 10 minutes, with mandatory

change of activity and physical minutes.

And be sure to do exercises for the eyes.

When using ICT for GCD, children increase motivation, interest and

the volume of assimilation of information increases.

Working with parents is another area of ​​our pedagogical


Traditional forms of work with parents showing video material,

presentations, open views, abstracts on the site - acquire

innovative shape, become more interesting with the use of

information communication technologies.

Parents enjoy attending such events with great pleasure, and this

means what makes them most effective. Thanks to information

communication technologies, they can “open the curtain” and see

how their child grows, develops, lives while he is in


The next direction of my work is working with teachers:

Creation of presentations for teachers' councils, consultations;

Placing abstracts on your own website;

Open display of GCD using ICT.

My next line of work is

professional self-development:

Finding interesting information

Create your own website

Records management

Participation in professional and creative competitions

When using ICT, the number of participation in competitions increases, which

facilitates work in preparation for certification.

Compared with traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, work on

introduction of information and communication technologies in educational

I noted a number of advantages of the educational process of kindergarten:

1. Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way causes

children are of great interest;

2. Problematic tasks, encouragement for their correct solution by yourself

computers are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;

3. Information and communication technologies make it possible

expanding the use of e-learning tools, as they

transfer information faster than using traditional means;

4. With the help of a computer, you can simulate such life situations,

which cannot or is difficult to show in class or see in everyday life.

5. High dynamics of directly educational activities

contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory,

imagination, creativity of children.

However, I would like to note that any, even the most advanced computer

program cannot replace a highly qualified specialist.

It should be noted that the use of ICT in educational

The DOE process leads to a number of positive effects:

1. Enriches the educational process with emotional


2. Psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation;

3. Excites a keen interest in the subject of knowledge;

4. Expands the general outlook;

5. Increased use of visual aids;

6. Frees you from routine manual work;

7. Increases the productivity of the teacher and the child.

One of the main conditions for the use of ICT in educational

preschool educational process - teachers should work with children, well

knowing the technical capabilities of the computer, having the skills to work with

them, strictly complying with sanitary standards and

rules for the use of computers in preschools, well

oriented in computer programs designed specifically for

preschoolers who know the ethical rules for their application and who

method of introducing children to new technologies. In addition, teachers

should know the age characteristics of young children well.

In the prospects for my future work, this is -

1. Improvement of the created system of interaction between participants

the educational process in a single information environment of the preschool educational institution;

2. Use of new technologies and software products in

educational activities;

3. Transition to a qualitatively new level of provision of educational

educational services;

4. Development and implementation of new forms of organization of educational

activities using ICT.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in the conditions of a preschool institution

it is necessary and appropriate to use ICT in various forms

activities, as they allow to make the process of development of children enough

effective, interesting and informative.

I believe that the use of personal pedagogical experience provides

full transition of children to the next level of the system of continuous

education, makes it possible to become participants in a single

educational process of the Russian Federation.

But, no matter how positive, huge potential

possessed information and communication technologies, replace the living

they cannot and should not communicate between the teacher and the child.


2013, p. 64-65. Capabilities use interactive whiteboard with

children. M. N. Arriving

2013, p. 42-43. Why are interactive whiteboards so rare? used in children

gardens? E. I. Koziorov. M. N. Arriving

3. // Scientific and methodological journal. Kindergarten. Everything for educator! № 6

June. 2012 p. 5. Usage gaming computer technologies. N.P.


4. // Preschool parenting #2. 2013., p. 105-108. Didactic basics

interactive learning. Korotaeva. E

5. // Growing together No. 1, 2014., Computer. Internet! Close Friends…Dangerous

enemies, Osenchuk A., p. 16-17

6. Yu. M. Gorvits, L. D. Chaivanova, N. N. Podyakov, E. V. Zvorygina, et al.

New Information Technology in preschool education. -M.: LINKA-

PRESS, 1998, 328s. ,ill

7. Kalinina T. V. Management of preschool educational institutions. "New Information Technology in

preschool childhood." M, Sphere, 2008

8. Ivanova E. O. Theory of learning in information society / E. O. Ivanova,

I. M. Osmolovskaya. - M.: Education, 2011. - 190 p.

10. About informatization preschool education in Russia"

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Zvezdochka" Kalinka, Khabarovsk Municipal District

Khabarovsk Territory

Report on the topic:

"Non-traditional forms of education


Teacher: Palamarchuk

Alexandra Sergeevna

Non-traditional forms of education for preschoolers

At present, in the practice of preschool institutions, non-traditional forms of organization of education are effectively used: classes in subgroups, which are formed taking into account the age characteristics of children.

They are combined with circle work: in manual labor, in fine arts.

Classes are enriched with games and fairy tales. The child, carried away by the idea of ​​the game, does not notice the hidden educational task. These activities help free up the child's time, which he can use at his own discretion: to relax or do what is interesting or emotionally significant for him.

This is especially true for productive activities: designing or sculpting, drawing, appliqué.

Widely used are various forms of "hobby classes", saturated with games and independent creative activities. All this, of course, makes the lesson more interesting, attractive, more productive.

Widespread use in the practice of organizing and conducting classes has received such forms as lesson - conversation and lesson - observation.

These forms are used in senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Fairy tale therapy classes are popular. Fairy tale therapy sessions with children are a special, safe form of interaction with a child, which is most consistent with the characteristics of childhood.

This is an opportunity for the formation of moral values, the implementation of the correction of undesirable behavior, a way to form the necessary competencies that contribute to the constructive socialization of the child. The use of didactic fairy tale therapy trainings in the format of preschool education allows children to easily and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.

In modern didactics of preschool educational institutions, such non-traditional forms are distinguished:

    Games are competitions.

(They line up on the basis of competition between children: who will name, find, identify, notice, etc.)


(Assumes the division of children into 2 subgroups and is conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

    Theatrical games.

(Micro-sketches are played out that carry cognitive information to children)

    Role-playing games.

(The teacher enters the role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving learning problems).

    Consultations.(When a child learns by consulting another child)

    Mutual learning games.

(The “consultant” child teaches other children to compare, classify, generalize).


(Held as a board game "Manager")

    Doubt Games(search for truth).

(Research activities of children like melting - not melting, flying - not flying)

    Travel games.

    Fairy tales.

    Dialogues.(They are held according to the type of conversation, but the topic is chosenrelevant and interesting).

    Games like "The investigation is conducted by experts."

(Working with the scheme, orientation according to the scheme with a detective storyline).

    Games like "Field of Wonders".

(Held as a game "Field of Wonders" for reading children).

    Quiz games.

(There are quizzes with answers to the questions: What? Where? When?

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishment of cause-and-effect relationships).


Method of modeling and design.

question method.

repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity (Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and joke (educational comics).

Practical task on the example of one of the non-traditional forms: fairy tale - Russian folk tale "Mitten"


Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Using activities in a non-traditional way helps to involve all students in the work;

You can organize the verification of any task through mutual control;

An unconventional approach holds great potential for the development of students' speech;

Classes contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

in the group, the relationship between children and the teacher changes (we are partners)

The kids are looking forward to this activity.

But non-traditional activities are useful when they are placed in the exact place among the usual types of activities. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject that is to be passed, it is possible to determine which classes it is advisable to conduct in an unconventional form.

Non-traditional activities often take place when checking and summarizing children's knowledge. But some of them (travel, integrated) I use when studying new material.

No matter how experienced the teacher is, he always has to look, think, try to make his classes interesting.

I believe that classes in a non-traditional form helped me increase the activity of children in the classroom, attract their attention, and expand their vocabulary.

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Non-traditional forms of organizing children in the educational process in the UOD system

Non-traditional classes are classes that differ from traditional ones in the organization of activities, in the structure of content, in the use of teaching aids in the preparation, and also in the nature of the teacher-student relationship. Their goal is extremely simple: to revive the boring, to captivate with creativity, to interest the ordinary, since interest is the catalyst for all educational activities. Non-traditional classes are always holidays, when all pupils are active, when everyone has the opportunity to prove themselves in an atmosphere of success. The main thing is that children should be fascinated, so that their working capacity will increase, the effectiveness of the lesson and the entire learning process will increase.

Most often, such classes are held in the system of additional education, since the specificity of additional education is the principle of freedom of choice, a real opportunity for a creative and non-standard approach to the content, methods and forms of the educational process.

The specificity and possibilities of socio-pedagogical activity make it possible to unite in the co-creation of children and adults all groups of students - gifted, with physical disabilities, etc. This circumstance in itself predetermines the innovative approach and non-traditional forms and methods of organizing work that develop in the practical activities of teachers of additional education for children.

This issue is also relevant because in our time it is necessary to be competitive. Our children are offered ample opportunities to occupy their leisure time. And teachers of additional education need to make sure that the guys come to us (and not just come), but remain in the association for the entire period of study. And this is possible if the teacher's eyes are on fire, if he is constantly looking for something new and interesting, if he leaves the usual standard classes and invites students to the world of additional education.

In the last decade, classes of problem-based and developmental learning, various forms of organizing group, collective and individual work, have begun to be widely used. It is those forms that develop cognitive activity, initiative, creativity. You can talk a lot about all forms and types of non-standard activities.

Non-standard activities can be very diverse.

Types of non-traditional activities

Classes in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race, duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz, etc.

Classes based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, commentary, brainstorming, interviews, reportage, review, etc.

Lessons based on the non-traditional organization of educational material: a lesson in wisdom, revelation, a lesson - “understudy begins to act”, etc.

Classes that resemble public forms of communication: a press conference, a briefing, an auction, a benefit performance, a teleconference, a regulated discussion, a panorama, a reportage, a dialogue, a live newspaper, an oral magazine, etc.

Classes based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: investigation, patent office, academic council, circus, creative workshop, etc.

Classes based on the imitation of activities during social and cultural events: a correspondence excursion, an excursion into the past, a game-journey, walks, etc.

Activities based on the imagination of children: activity - a fairy tale, activity - a surprise, etc.

The forms of conducting training sessions in UDOD are selected by the teacher, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of children, the goals and objectives of the educational program of additional education, the specifics of the subject and other factors. The most common in additional education can be the following forms:

1) For students of preschool and primary school age:

conversation with game elements;

role-playing game;

travel game;

simulation game;

quizzes, competitions, competitions, competitions, etc.

2) For students of secondary school age: lecture;

educational game, role-playing game;

protection of a creative project;

creative competitions;

correspondence excursion;

collective creative work (KTD);

thematic tasks for subgroups.

3) For students of senior school age: a problematic lecture;

press conference;


thematic discussion;

group consultation;

protection of creative work;

business game, role-playing game;

presentation (type of activity, exhibition, project, etc.).

The use of non-traditional forms of classes, in particular, games, discussions, is a powerful stimulus in learning, it is a diverse and strong motivation. Through such activities, cognitive interest is aroused much more actively and faster, partly because a person naturally likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in the game than in ordinary learning activities.

The day of good surprises is an exercise in the ability to show signs of attention, to bring joy to people.

Tea drinking - has great power, creates a special psychological atmosphere, softens mutual relations, liberates.

Graduation ring - report of graduates of creative teams, analysis of the past, plans for the future; creating an atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding; developing the ability to interact with people.

"Die Hard" - solving difficult issues in life together with a group, a confidential conversation based on good relationships. Etc.

When conducting open classes, an unconventional form is always advantageous, because. it presents not only gaming moments, the original presentation of the material, the employment of students not only in preparation, but also in conducting the classes themselves through various forms of collective and group work. In non-traditional classes, the mental processes of pupils are activated: attention, memorization, interest, perception, thinking. Of course, non-standard classes, unusual in design, organization, and methodology, are more popular with students than everyday training sessions with a strict and established work schedule. Therefore, all teachers should practice such classes.


education pedagogical occupation

1. Ivanchenko V.N. Classes in the system of additional education for children.-Rostov n / D: Teacher, 2007.-288 p.

2. Bordovskaya N.V. Pedagogy: Textbook / N.V. Bordovskaya. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - 304 p.

3. Varlamova, G.G. Non-traditional forms of training sessions as a means of forming cognitive interests. Lesson - maze. /G.G. Varlamov. //Begin. school - 2000. - No. 10. - p. 10-14.

4. Non-standard lessons in elementary school (games, competitions, quizzes, tournaments, travel) / Ed. - comp. S.V. Savinova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003. - 85 p.

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Fetisova Natalia Anatolievna

There is such a profession - to educate and teach children. The one who chose it consciously stepped on a difficult, sometimes almost impassable road. Everyone has a different fate in the profession. Some simply fulfill their duties and do not try to discover anything new where, it would seem, everything is open. Others are in an endless search and do not want to repeat the same path over and over again with different groups of children.


Occupation- this is an organized form of education and a time period of the learning process that can reflect all its structural components (general pedagogical goal, didactic tasks, content, methods and means of education).

Occupation is:

The main form of organization of the cognitive activity of the child;

Dynamic, improving procedural system, reflecting all aspects of the educational process;

Elementary structural unit educational process, with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

A single link in the system of educational and cognitive activity.

The main occupation signs:

Occupation - the main unit of the didactic cycle and the form of organization of training;

According to the time interval, it takes from 10-15 minutes (at the younger preschool age) to 30-35 minutes (at the senior preschool age);

The lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type of cognitive activity (for example: speech development + visual activity);

The leading role in the lesson belongs to the educator, who organizes the process of transferring and mastering educational material, monitoring the level of development of each child;

A group is the main organizational form of uniting children in a lesson, all children are approximately the same age and level of training, that is, the group is homogeneous (with the exception of heterogeneous or mixed groups), the main composition of the groups is maintained for the entire period of stay in a preschool institution;

The group works according to a single program, according to the grid of cognitive activities;

Classes are held at predetermined hours of the day;

Vacations are held throughout the year, they correspond to the temporary period of school holidays (which is important even for the purposes of the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school);

The year ends with summing up the results of the cognitive development of the personality of each child (according to the results of the child's activities in the classroom).

Lesson levels:

1. Higher: forecasting ways to transfer activities to the result set by the learning goals based on feedback and overcoming possible difficulties in working with children.

2. High: the inclusion of children in solving the problem provided for by the purpose of the lesson.

3. Average: revealing the knowledge and skills of children and communicating information in accordance with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

4. Short: organization of interaction with children, explanation of new material according to a pre-planned plan, without intensifying cognitive activity aimed at obtaining a positive result.

Signs of high learning (during the observation of preschool children):

Isolation and awareness of the problem, goal, question, task;

Ability to predict their activities;

Ability to use knowledge in various (non-standard) situations;

Independence of activity and overcoming difficulties (independence of the choice of solutions);

Logic of thinking;

Flexibility of thought;

The speed of transformation of the mode of activity in accordance with the changed situations;

Opportunity to abandon standard solutions (from the stereotype);

Search for an expedient variant (switching or changing the variant).

Traditional occupations and their classifications

It is logical to carry out the classification of traditional occupations on the basis of the selected tasks and the types of activities used for their implementation. Considering the psychological characteristics of a preschooler, analyzing methodological recommendations for modern programs, it is inappropriate to single out a separate type of lesson for learning new material, developing and improving knowledge and skills, since each lesson is a repetition, consolidation and expansion of children's ideas.

Classification of classes, presented in "Pedagogy" by V. I. Loginova, leads to a mixture of types of classes with teaching methods and techniques. The authors of modern programs present a classification of classes for each type of activity.

For example, in "Rainbow" cognitive activities are divided into the following types:




educational stories;


- for musical activities:



- in the program "From childhood to adolescence":



Theoretical, etc.

The variety of definitions does not change the tasks to be solved and the structure of the classes; the methods, techniques and sequence of structural components remain variable.

Therefore, the classification presented below will help determine the types of classes conducted for any type of activity in any program, their compliance with the tasks and structures chosen.

Non-traditional activities and parameters for their assessment

Types of non-traditional activities.

Competition classes (lined up on the basis of competition between children): who will quickly name, find, identify, notice, etc.

Classes-KVN (involving the division of children into two subgroups and are held as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical classes (microscenes are played that carry cognitive information to children).

Classes-plot-role-playing games (the teacher enters the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving learning problems).

Consulting classes (when a child learns “horizontally”, consulting with another child).

Mutual learning activities (a “consultant” child teaches other children how to design, apply, draw).

Classes-auctions (conducted as a board game "Manager").

Occupations-doubts (search for truth). (Research activities of children like: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - sinks, etc.)

Formula lessons (offered in Sh. A. Amonashvili's book "Hello, children!").

Travel activities.

Binary studies (ed. J. Rodari). (Compilation of creative stories based on the use of two objects, from a change in the position of which the plot and content of the story change.)

Fantasy activities.

Classes-concerts (separate concert numbers that carry cognitive information).

Dialogue classes (conducted according to the type of conversation, but the topic is chosen relevant and interesting).

Classes such as "The investigation is conducted by experts" (work with the diagram, map of the kindergarten group, orientation according to the diagram with a detective storyline).

Classes such as "Field of Miracles" (conducted as a game "Field of Miracles" for reading children).

Classes "Intellectual Casino" (conducted by the type of "Intellectual Casino" or quizzes with answers to questions: what? where? when?).

Occupation Requirements

1. Use of the latest achievements of science and practice.

2. Implementation in the optimal ratio of all didactic principles.

3. Providing conditions for the subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive activity.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for the organization of children's activities.

5. Establishment of integrative links (the relationship of various activities, content).

6. Communication with past classes and reliance on the level achieved by the child.

7. Motivation and activation of the cognitive activity of children (methods and techniques).

8. The logic of building a lesson, a single line of content.

9. The emotional component of the lesson (the beginning and end of the lesson are always held on a high emotional upsurge).

10. Connection with the life and personal experience of each child.

11. Development of children's skills to independently acquire knowledge and replenish their volume.

12. Thorough diagnostics, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson by a teacher.

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishment of cause-and-effect relationships).


Method of modeling and design.

question method.

repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity(Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and joke (educational comics).

Methods of teaching and development of creativity(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov)

Emotional saturation of the environment.

Motivation of children's activities.

Study of objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (survey).

Forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future).

Game tricks.

Humor and joke.


Problem situations and tasks.

Obscure knowledge (guesses).

Assumptions (hypotheses).

Comprehensive and integrated classes.

"Dictionary of foreign words":

complex -

integration - restoration, replenishment, unification into a whole of any parts.

"Dictionary of the Russian language" SM. Ozhegov:

complex - a set, a combination of something, any representations;

integration - combination of parts into a whole.

"Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary":

complex - a set of objects or phenomena that make up one whole;

integration - a concept meaning a state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as a process leading to such a state. The process of rapprochement and connection of sciences, taking place along with the processes of their differentiation.

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?