Short-term educational practice. COP in kindergarten. Lego cars construction COP program for children of middle preschool age.docx - Cars (Lego - construction) Short-term educational practice program for children of secondary preschool

I repeated many times, 99% percent I dig for coins. And my main source of detect points is vintage maps. Yes, taverns and inns are already digging around them, but farms easily give out 5-15 coins. And there are a lot of them. Recently, for me, a cop on farms, it has generally turned into a serial process. You put 10-15 points in one area, go out and dig. If within an hour not a single coin came out, you move on.

For such a process, I use my small set of navigation programs. On a large computer, these are Ozi Explorer and SASPlanet. In the field on one Androzic phone and on the second mobile version of Ozi Explorer.

By and large Hamburg account, you can and completely get by with only mobile versions. Everything is the same and works great. But anyway, first I look at a large PC, here the screen is large and you can cover at least an entire province with one glance.

Ozi Explorer

For me personally, the Ozi Explorer program is the most basic navigation tool for detecting (and generally orienting outside the city). Its meaning and purpose, work with raster (originally drawn not on a computer) maps. There is a picture of the map and it corresponds to some grid of coordinates - you can always plug it into Ozi Explorer and link it to the GPS system. Even a hand-drawn map can be used!

Old maps for Ozi Explorer I have linked sheets of 3 layouts and 10 layouts. By the way, super detailed (detailed) SGP maps, General Land Survey Plans - worst of all coincide with the reality of navigation.

Modern maps for Ozi Explorer. Of course, this is the kilometer of the General Staff of the USSR. There are some areas of 500 meters. Sometimes I use military maps of the Red Army and German ones. But by no means for a cop in the Second World War, it is very good to calculate the farms that were demolished before the war (they were driven to collective farms).

There are also overview maps of 5 and 10 kilometers. I often upload satellite imagery maps I created myself (I do it using SASPlanet, it's very easy).


Directly in the field on a detective, I use an Android phone as a navigator. (free). This program understands the files of the big brother Ozi Explorer and has almost all the basic functionality. At least there is everything you need and is present in the mobile versions of Ozi Explorer.

Ozi Explorer for WM

My second phone is on Windows Mobile. Yes, I agree, phones on Windows are sad shit behind the times, but ... How unpleasant it will be for Google (the Android system from it), my phone on WM is an order of magnitude more stable than on Android. And navigation works faster and better. If I put a track on the record, I can be sure on WM that I will not lose anything, and at home I can see in detail where I was like. On Android, this is a grandmother in a scarf, she may or may not write down.

The COP program of a technical orientation.

Short-term educational practice of a technical orientation- this is a technique for teaching children how to construct from counting sticks, Lego constructor, etc.


Laying out images, creating a product of his activity, the child learns analysis and synthesis: he explores the sample and comes up with his own original design, analyzes intermediate options, corrects errors and inaccuracies. So, training in creating simple and complex structures becomes a stimulus for the development of the child's thinking. Separately, I want to say about the Lego constructor. This program is implemented with the participation of older children. This is great learning material. The game in the designer develops color and logical thinking, spatial imagination, tenacity of fingers, in a word, develops all cognitive processes. Having once shown the child the principle of playing with the designer, you will not be able to tear him away from this exciting activity for a very long time. Lego is good because you can endlessly change its designs, create something new. It is this diversity that attracts children so much, giving them food for creative thinking.

In the course of the COP of a technical orientation, the following tasks:

    Educational - teaching design techniques;

    Developing - training of thinking, development of fine motor skills of the hand, spatial thinking, logic, the child's imagination, expands his understanding of the world around him;

    Educational - education of purposefulness, perseverance, patience and the ability to bring the work begun to the end are developed.

At the heart of each practice lesson is a story that is offered to children. During the work, such methods will be used as: the observation method (showing the methods and techniques of doing work), examining the subject, the demonstration method, plot games, the verbal method (story, explanation and conversation).

The result of the practice is to obtain a product of activity, to come up with your own design. Teaching children to design develops their thinking, memory, imagination and ability for independent creativity.

The program includes different types of constructor.

"Electronic constructor"

COP No. 1 "First Steps in Electronics"

How to play with it?

What is included in the young physicist kit?

Project: Lamp.

Project: "Electric fan"

"Electronic constructor"

Project: "Dimmable Light Bulb"

Project: Variable Speed ​​Fan

"Electronic constructor"

Project: "Fire truck siren"

Project: "Doorbell"

"Metal constructor"

The metal constructor is an educational game that introduces children to the basics of design.

How to play with it?

It is included in the kit?

Project: "Sanki"

Project: Carousel

Project: "Airplane"

Project: "Machine"

Lego - construction

Lego construction is a type of modeling creative and productive activity. The range of use of LEGO from the point of view of a constructive game tool for children is quite wide.

Indeed, LEGO bricks have established themselves as educational products all over the world. LEGO is used as a universal visual aid and educational toys. The universal designer encourages mental activity and develops hand motor skills. This is especially important for students with special educational needs.

The implementation of Lego construction allows you to stimulate interest and curiosity, develop the ability to solve problem situations - the ability to investigate a problem, analyze available resources, put forward ideas, plan solutions and implement them, expand the active vocabulary.

KOP No. 1 - No. 2

Project "Construction of working machines"

KOP No. 1 - No. 2

Project "Rushing into space or into the sky"

KOP No. 1 - No. 2

Project "Lego Kremlin"

Chupina Veronika Evgenievna, teacher MBDOU No. 4, Perm

KOP program "Magic snowflakes"


Target: teach children how to cut snowflakes out of paper.

Tasks: ("Knowledge")

  • (you can see everything through it) (can't see through it) ("Knowledge")
  • ("Communication")
  • ("Communication")
  • ("Physical Culture")
  • To evoke positive aesthetic feelings and emotions in children while listening to a musical composition. ("Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P. Tchaikovsky). ("Music")
  • To promote active and friendly interaction of children with the teacher and peers in

Number of lessons: 4 hours.

Characteristic: figured paper cut.

Explanatory note

The structure of the COP program



Snowflakes are the magical companions of winter, always different and unique, they invariably accompany every New Year. Snowflakes are cut out of paper and cardboard, they compose and tell poems about them to Grandfather Frost. By cutting out snowflakes and decorating a kindergarten group with them, you can create a little New Year's magic!

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge"; "Communication"; "Socialization"; "Physical Culture"; "Music"; "Reading fiction"; "Artistic Creation".

1. Conversation about winter.

2.Experimental activities

3. Didactic game "Where are the snowflakes?"

4. Artistic creativity

5. Reflection. (exhibition of snowflakes, group decoration)

(blue or purple), white gouache, brushes

Long-term plan:



Winter has come - snow and joy brought

Clarify and expand children's ideas about winter, about snow. ("Knowledge")

Experimentally let the children understand that the water is clear (you can see everything through it), but it can be made colored, then it becomes opaque (can't see through it). From such water, you can make colored ice cubes by pouring it into molds. ("Knowledge")

Encourage children to analyze, draw conclusions, correctly formulate their answer. ("Communication")

Develop logical thinking, ingenuity, imagination while guessing riddles. ("Communication")

Develop dexterity, speed, desire to participate in joint outdoor games. ("Physical Culture")

Develop fantasy. ("Artistic Creation")

Pictures with signs of winter attached to an easel; pictures: snowdrift, blizzard, hoarfrost, patterns on glass, snowflake, fish under the ice; for did. games: pictures of waterfalls, rivers, puddles, ice, snowfall, clouds, rain, steam, snowflakes, drops, etc.; for experimentation: jars of water, colored gouache, brushes, buttons, balls and other small items, molds for ice cubes; for drawing: colored paper (blue or purple), white gouache, brushes, non-spills; music composition "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P. Tchaikovsky.

1.Children received additional knowledge about winter.

2. Conducted an experiment with water.

simple patterns

2. Teach how to properly apply a pattern for cutting.

3. Practice cutting snowflakes.

1. Colored paper

2.Simple pencil

3. Scissors

4.Schemes (attached)

Children learned how to fold paper correctly, apply a pattern and then cut it out

complex patterns

1. Teach children how to fold paper for subsequent cutting of snowflakes.

2. Teach how to correctly apply a pattern for cutting with a complication of the ornament.

Practice carving snowflakes.

1. Colored paper

2.Simple pencil

3. Scissors

4.Schemes (attached)

Children learned how to fold paper correctly, apply a pattern and then cut it out

Amazing snowfall

1. Folding paper for subsequent cutting of snowflakes.

2. Drawing a pattern for cutting.

3. Cutting out snowflakes.

4. Creation of a collective composition

1. Colored paper

3.Simple pencil

4. Scissors

5.Schemes (attached)

Children learned how to fold paper correctly, apply a pattern and then cut it out, and created a joint work.

KOP program "Funny puzzles"

Relevance: The conditions necessary for the organization of systematic work on the formation and development of independent thinking are very difficult to provide in the classroom. This should be the organization of systematic classes in extracurricular activities. This approach creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests in children, stimulates the child's desire for reflection and search, makes him feel confident in his abilities, in the capabilities of his intellect. During such classes, students form and develop forms of self-awareness and self-control, the fear of erroneous steps disappears, anxiety and unreasonable anxiety decrease.

Target: Teach children to solve and make puzzles.


Give the concept of "rebus", introduce the rules and techniques that are used in their compilation.

Learn the algorithm for solving puzzles.

Develop skills:

Ability to use logical techniques: comparison, generalization, classification;

Ability to develop the skills of consistent and evidence-based thinking;

Practice duration: 4 lessons for 25-30 minutes.

Explanatory note

The structure of the COP program



Puzzle games and rebuses or geometric constructors have been known since time immemorial. Modern research has established that they can also be an effective means of mental, in particular, mathematical development of children of primary school age.

"Brain gymnastics";

talking with children about what a rebus is and what they are; why and how to solve them, physical education minute; work with simple puzzles.

rules for compiling puzzles; examples of their compilation;

fun word game work with puzzles. Presentation of certificates of completion of short-term educational practice to children.

1.Interactive whiteboard, laptop, presentation.

2. Collection of puzzles.

3. Pencils, paper.

4. Pictures.

5. Tokens for the quiz.

6. Certificates of short-term educational practice.

Learn how to write and solve puzzles

Long-term plan:

1. Lesson: "The concept of "rebus" and the rule for their solution"

Tasks: Give the concept of "rebus"; introduce the rules and algorithm for solving puzzles; expand children's interest in solving puzzles.

Lesson progress:"Brain gymnastics"; talking with children about what a rebus is and what they are; why and how to solve them, physical education minute; work with simple puzzles.

2. Lesson: "Compilation of puzzles"

Tasks: Introduce children to the techniques and rules for compiling puzzles; develop imagination; fix the algorithm for solving puzzles; exercise in solving and compiling puzzles.

Lesson progress:"Brain gymnastics"; rules for compiling puzzles; examples of their compilation; fun word game work with puzzles.

3. Lesson: "Logical techniques: comparison, generalization, classification"

Tasks: To introduce children to logical techniques: comparison, generalization, classification; fix the algorithm for compiling puzzles; develop concentration.

Lesson progress:"Brain gymnastics"; introduction to logic (comparison, generalization, classification); solving logic puzzles; concentration game; independent work with puzzles.

4. Lesson: "Quiz game: Journey into the realm of Logic"

Tasks: With the help of tasks to interest children, encouraging them to think creatively; learn to work in groups; develop the ability to solve puzzles.

Lesson progress: Surprise moment; dividing children into two teams, completing quiz tasks for compiling and solving puzzles; reflection. Presentation of certificates of completion of short-term educational practice to children.

KOP program "Bow tying"

Relevance of the topic:

a huge problem to teach a child to tie shoelaces, because we ourselves buy shoes with Velcro and elastic bands for convenience.

Playing with laces helps to improve coordination of movements, flexibility of the hand and looseness of movements in general.

Games with shoelaces develop fine motor skills, spatial orientation, perseverance and patience.



To promote the assimilation of the concepts of "above", "below", "right", "left";

Build lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace into a bow);

Promote the development of speech; develop creative abilities; develop perseverance.

Development of sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of hands, spatial orientation

Explanatory note

The structure of the COP program



a huge problem to teach a child to tie shoelaces, because we ourselves buy shoes with Velcro and elastic bands for convenience. Playing with laces helps to improve coordination of movements, flexibility of the hand and looseness of movements in general. Games with shoelaces develop fine motor skills, spatial orientation, perseverance and patience.

2. Consideration of schemes

3. Lacing games

4. The game "Dress Masha" with tying hats and boots

doll clothes

5.Self-dressing with tying shoelaces on clothes

1. Schemes - illustrations with sequential execution of tying bows

2. Games - lacing

3.2-3 dolls with a set of outerwear

teach yourself how to tie shoelaces in two ways.

KOP program "Skillful Needle"

Relevance: The novelty of the proposed additional program for labor education of older preschoolers is based on practical exercises, where children get acquainted with the properties of the fabric, with sewing accessories, how to work with a sewing needle, and also study sewing safety. Such activities allow you to arouse a steady interest in children in the process of needlework, as well as effectively developing fine motor skills of the hands, enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers. The proposed material actively develops children's imagination.

Target: learn to hem the edges of linen fabric on a sewing machine.

Tasks: to acquaint children with the properties of fabric, with sewing accessories;

To fix the rules of TB when sewing;

To arouse the interest of children in the process of needlework.

Learn to sew in a straight line on a children's sewing machine,

Show how to make loops from threads by weaving them.

Age: 6-7 years old.

Practice duration: 2 lessons of 30 minutes.

Explanatory note

The structure of the COP program



Such activities allow you to arouse a steady interest in children in the process of needlework, as well as effectively developing fine motor skills of the hands, enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers. The proposed material actively develops children's imagination.

1 part - organizational;

Part 2 - showing, explanation;

3 part - the beginning of the practical part;

4th part - finger game;

Part 5 - the end of the practical part;

Part 6 - summary.

The main method is a display, a visual guide, the help of a teacher.

Verbal - indication, explanation

Practical - practicing practical skills on fabric and cardboard.

Implementation duration: 1 hour.

Number of lessons: 1 lesson per week for 30 minutes.

Material and technical support: fabric of different textures and types, scissors, needles with a wide eye, pillows for storing needles, threads, children's sewing machines, an algorithm for performing an action, schemes for working with sewing accessories.

2.Children's sewing machine

4. Plain fabric

Making kitchen towels from linen fabric for Women's Day.

KOP program "Merry little men"


Target: assemble a man from Lego constructor


Define "Lego"

Learn the algorithm for collecting Lego parts.

The ability to develop concentration.

Engage children with tasks, encourage them to think creatively.

Develop the ability to solve puzzles.

Develop logical thinking

Develop spatial imagination

Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Explanatory note

The structure of the COP program



This is great learning material. The game in the designer develops color and logical thinking, spatial imagination, tenacity of fingers, in a word, develops all cognitive processes. Having once shown the child the principle of playing with the designer, you will not be able to tear him away from this exciting activity for a very long time. Lego is good because you can endlessly change its designs, create something new. It is this diversity that attracts children so much, giving them food for creative thinking.

1. Considering samples of men from Lego constructor

2. Studying the Assembly Sequence Diagram

3. Beginning of the practical part

4. End of the practical part

5. Independent games with little men from Lego constructor.


Self-assembly of a little man from Lego parts

Going to detect, we, as a rule, choose a place in advance, and preferably not one, where there may be finds. We have already discussed how to find such places in. The same is true for other types of recreation, places for which should be chosen in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. With the help of what means and resources it is more convenient to do this, we will talk.


Yandex and Google. Many probably used maps and satellite images of Yandex and Google. Their mapping services are about the same in terms of functionality and interface. According to my observation, the quality of maps is better with Yandex, and satellite images are better with Google. Although in some areas the situation may be the opposite. By the way, there are many other similar mapping services: Bing, Microsoft, etc. But Yandex and Google are the most popular in Russia. We list the main features of these resources:

  • viewing maps and satellite images of any part of the earth's surface;
  • street view and major highways (a very interesting feature);
  • viewing photos tied to specific places;
  • distance measurement;
  • automatic routing and much more.

In fact, it is the same maps or satellite images with objects superimposed on them: settlements, reservoirs, buildings and others, including the tracts of interest to us. Even an unregistered user can add a new object. Often objects are accompanied by a detailed description and photographs. A very useful resource for the novice digger.

This place

An excellent resource for viewing historical maps. A huge selection of old maps dating back to the 17th century, which are tied to modern coordinates. This allows you to trace the history of the place of interest; when the settlement appeared, its size and date of disappearance. You can also overlay modern maps on historical maps. In general, a very useful resource with a lot of functions.



An application for Windows that allows you to view a huge number of maps. The functionality is impressive:

  • loading maps and saving in various formats;
  • export and import of labels and tracks;
  • distance measurement;
  • creating tracks;
  • overlaying layers on maps;
  • support for external GPS receiver.

The program interface is simple, convenient and understandable. You can read more.

Google earth. The same Google maps, only installed on a computer. The program has rich functionality. Particularly interesting are the flight simulator and the ability to view satellite images from previous years.


An application for Android smartphones and tablets, a simplified analogue of SAS.Planet. A distinctive feature is the ability to work with loaded maps, i. Cellular connectivity is not required for navigation to work. More about this application.


This is just the main set of programs and Internet resources that can be useful to a treasure hunter. This list can also include services (Gismeteo, for example), some regional portals with information about the history of the area, and many other sites and programs. Write in the comments what you use when going on a dig or just relaxing in nature.

Coprogram - a study of fecal contents to determine its properties, physical and chemical composition, the presence of pathological inclusions in order to diagnose diseases and monitor the dynamics of the disease, the treatment process.

Fecal masses are formed when a food bolus (chyme) passes through the entire human digestive tract from the oral cavity to the rectum. Therefore, these coprograms are most valuable in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What does the coprogram show

In the feces, microorganisms of various types and quantities, particles of undigested food, fecal pigments, and epithelium of various parts of the intestine are found.

note : knowing these features, the laboratory assistant can determine the pathological processes in certain parts of the intestine in certain diseases.

The coprogram is indicated for:

Coprological examination allows to identify (violation of the ratio of microorganisms and reproduction of pathogenic forms).

The coprogram is rarely used as an isolated study, most often it is an additional, but at the same time informative diagnostic method.

Preparation for passing the analysis is not difficult, but some rules must be strictly observed.

If the patient is taking medications containing iron and bismuth, then they must be canceled. Also, do not take laxatives, rectal suppositories. It is forbidden to wash the intestines with enemas.

If the person under study underwent radiography with a contrast agent (barium), then the coprogram should not be done earlier than 7-10 days after the study. Barium can change the properties of feces.

In the patient's diet during the few days preceding the test, excessive variety, exotic dishes, etc. should be limited.

Preparatory rule for donating feces for a coprogram:

How to collect feces for coprogram

Important : the collection rules are simple, but they should be followed carefully.

To collect feces, you must:

  • empty the bladder, conduct a thorough toilet of the genitals and anal area using warm water and neutral soap without aromatic additives. Then rinse the washed areas with warm, boiled water;
  • in pre-prepared clean dishes with a wide neck, using a spatula (which is available in pharmacy containers for collecting feces), collect material from different parts of the resulting feces;
  • after collection, the stool is closed with a lid and signed with the name and surname of the patient, as well as the date of collection.

Wooden boxes, food cans should not be used as dishes for feces. The total amount of material collected should be 15-20 grams (approximate volume of a teaspoon). Try to bring approximately this amount of stool to the laboratory.

Feces should be collected in the morning and delivered to the study as soon as possible.

Note: the faster the material is brought to the laboratory, the more accurate and reliable the results of the coprogram will be.

If necessary, the container with the biomaterial is placed in a refrigerator, where it can be stored for no more than 8 hours, at a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius.

The results of the coprogram are usually obtained within 2-3 days, sometimes the analysis takes 5-6 days.

If a child goes to the potty on his own, then the same rules apply to him as to adults.

In infants, a diaper or oilcloth is used (if the stool is liquid).

In case of constipation, to stimulate defecation, it is necessary to massage the abdomen, in some cases, you can put a gas outlet tube that stimulates the act of defecation.

All materials must be clean, hands must be washed with soap and water before collection.

Deciphering the coprogram in adults

Initially held macroscopic examination of feces.

In deciphering the coprogram in adults, it is estimated:

  • the appearance of the stool;
  • density of feces;
  • staining (normal or pathological);
  • the presence of a specific smell;
  • the presence of bloody inclusions, veins, undigested food, purulent discharge, mucous lumps;
  • the presence of mature forms of helminths;
  • possible isolation of gallstones and pancreatic stones.

Microscopic analysis allows you to assess the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to digest food.

Microscopic examination may reveal:

  • squirrel , which appears during inflammatory processes in the digestive tract system, with ulcerative changes in the mucosa, polyposis formations, oncological diseases. Normally, there is no protein in the feces;
  • blood - appearing with hidden intra-intestinal bleeding, which can cause ulcers, tumors,. Altered blood indicates processes in the upper intestines, unchanged - in the lower. Occult blood is characteristic of tumors;
  • stercobilin . This is a pigment that is a metabolite of bilirubin, which gives the feces a specific color. About 75-350 mg of this pigment is formed per day. An increase in the rate in deciphering the coprogram in adults is characteristic of hemolytic anemia. A decrease indicates a possible process of obstruction of the bile ducts (stones, tumor);
  • . The appearance of this chemical indicates an acceleration of the digestion process, as a result of which bilirubin does not have time to be metabolized into stercobilin. This situation occurs with acute inflammation and with dysbacteriosis;
  • slime . Mucus performs a protective function in the intestine, so its increased formation indicates strong inflammatory changes in the intestine in acute infectious pathology (salmonellosis, dysentery, infectious colitis, etc.);
  • iodophilic flora . The appearance in the decoding of the coprogram in children and adults of pathological bacteria is characteristic of dysbacteriosis;
  • detritus . Cellular destroyed material that emerges from the intestinal epithelium. A decrease in the amount is observed in violation of the digestive process;
  • neutral fats . Excessive content is characteristic of insufficient excretion (bile production), as well as the process of absorption of bile in the intestine;
  • muscle fibers . The appearance of these elements in an unchanged form (normally they change) indicates a disease process in the pancreas, due to violations of the composition of the juice, which is involved in the digestion of meat food;
  • starch . Normally, it undergoes a splitting process, if during the study it is found in the form of grains, then the accelerated passage of the food bolus in the syndrome should be suspected, this symptom also appears in chronic;
  • soaps . Soapy substances are normally present in small amounts. The increase can be with digestive insufficiency of the small intestine, stomach and duodenum. These problems occur with inflammation of the pancreas, with gallstones;
  • leukocytes . Not normally defined. Their appearance in the decoding of the coprogram indicates inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • fatty acids . In the secretions of a healthy intestine are absent. Appear with digestive and enzymatic insufficiency, violations of the outflow of bile, accelerated intestinal activity;

  • vegetable fiber
    . If soluble fibers are noted in the decoding of the coprogram in adults, then we can talk about insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Normally, soluble plant fibers are absent in feces. Insoluble fibers (peel of fruits and vegetables, outer shell of grains and legumes) are part of the normal contents of the intestine. Insoluble fibers remove indigestible foods, poisons, cholesterol from the intestines. The amount of these elements depends on the qualitative composition of the food;
  • connective tissue fibers . These fibers are formed from the undigested remains of animal food. Normally, they shouldn't be. The appearance of fibers is characteristic of conditions in which the acidity of gastric juice decreases - (antacid gastritis). Also, these elements are noticeable with a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, enzymatic deficiency that occurs with pancreatitis;
  • ammonia . An increase in the content of this chemical compound is characteristic of processes accompanied by decay in the intestinal lumen. Normally, ammonia in feces contains 20-40 mol / kg. If an increased value of ammonia is indicated in the decoding of the coprogram in adults, then the presence of intestinal inflammation in a person should be suspected;
  • pathological and conditionally pathological microorganisms that cause bowel disease.

The reaction of feces (pH) can be different (weakly alkaline, neutral, slightly acidic). This indicator depends on the nature of the diet.

Features of decoding the coprogram in children

The main indicators of the coprogram in children are similar to those in adults. But there are some features.

Most children have a normal coprogram with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (in the pH range of 6-7.6.

note : in infants, the reaction is most often sour in nature, as a result of the nutritional habits characteristic of this age category.

The alkaline reaction in children is determined by a violation of the absorption process, with increased putrefactive processes in the intestines, a long stay in the stomach and intestines of undigested food.

Until the age of three months, a child with breastfeeding, the presence of bilirubin in the feces is a variant of the norm. After 3 months, in deciphering the coprogram in children, only stercobilin should normally be determined.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist