Brain ring for dow teachers. "Improving the environmental competence of teachers" - a brain ring for educators. Lilies of the valley in green grass

Seminar in kindergarten (DOE)

Increasing the environmental competence of teachers
(Brain ring for educators)

Biryuchevskaya Olga Alexandrovna,
senior educator of MDOU No. 37 "Rodnichok"
Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan

Target: To develop the creative potential of teachers, their competence in environmental issues. To intensify the mental and search activity of educators.

Leading: Dear colleagues! Today, within the framework of the workshop, a brain ring is being held on the topic "Improving the environmental competence of teachers." You have to complete tasks that will help reveal your knowledge of nature and demonstrate your many talents. The teams will be judged by a jury. (the members of the jury are introduced).

So let's start our brain-ring.

And then the first task. You need come up with a name for your teams (1 minute to complete).

Competition No. 1. "Ecological warm-up"

Each team is given 10 questions to answer quickly.

Questions for Team #1

  1. Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)
  2. Who are called leaf fallers? (Hares born in autumn)
  3. Animal science. (Zoology)
  4. Who is an ichthyologist? (Scientist studying fish)
  5. What does a toad eat in winter? (does not eat anything, she sleeps)
  6. What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers? (Oak)
  7. Male cuckoo. (Kukuh)
  8. What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)
  9. What grass do cats like? (Valerian)
  10. The tallest grass? (Bamboo)

Questions for Team #2

  1. Who are called nastovichki? (Hares born in spring)
  2. Forest rooster. (Capercaillie)
  3. What does the "weeping" of a birch in spring mean? (Sap flow)
  4. Plant science. (Botany)
  5. Why is larch called "good tree"? (Does not prick)
  6. Grass from 99 diseases. (St. John's wort)
  7. Is the penguin a bird or an animal? (Bird)
  8. What is the thickest tree on earth? (Baobab)
  9. What is an ornithologist? (Scientist who studies birds)
  10. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting)

Competition No. 2. Game "Association"

Often people associate themselves and others with various natural phenomena, animals or objects, using the expressions “blooms like a rose”, “works like a horse”, “tired like a dog”, etc. But does self-esteem always correspond to how others perceive us ?

Try to pick up associations of ecological content to one of the colleagues of the opposing team without naming him (teachers make a description-association for one of the teachers).

Appearance, character, demeanor of this person are associated with you:

With the elements (fire, air, water, earth);

With a natural phenomenon;

With an animal (beast, bird, insect);

with a plant (tree, shrub, flower);

with a mineral.

Competition No. 3. "Basic principles of ecology"

The American ecologist Barry Commoner formulated the basic principles of ecology as follows:

Everything is connected to everything;

Everything goes somewhere;

Everything is worth something;

Nature knows best.

Give one example for each principle.

Competition No. 4. "Riddles - illustrations"

Reproductions of paintings by famous artists help to perceive the beauty of nature. In this task you will be able to show your knowledge. (Educators are offered reproductions of paintings by famous artists who painted landscapes. It is necessary to determine the author and title of the work)

  1. I. I. Shishkin "Rye";
  2. I. I. Levitan “Spring. Big water";
  3. A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived";
  4. I. I. Levitan "March";
  5. I. E. Grabar "February Blue";
  6. I. I. Shishkin "In the wild north";
  7. I. E. Grabar "Winter Landscape";
  8. A. I. Kuindzhi "Birch Grove";
  9. I. I. Shishkin "Ship Grove";
  10. I. I. Shishkin "Oak Grove";
  11. A. A. Plastov "First Snow".

Competition No. 5. "Guess by pantomime"

Each teacher is invited to depict any animal or bird with the help of plasticity, facial expressions, gestures. Guesses the opposing team. The jury evaluates the expressiveness of the image, the similarity of the transmission with the characteristic signs of the habits of animals.

  • Magpie;
  • Giraffe;
  • Chimpanzee;
  • Turkey;
  • Ostrich;
  • Beaver;
  • Squirrel;
  • Owl;
  • Bear;
  • Fox;
  • Hare;
  • Penguin

Competition No. 6. "Ecological crossword"

Team members are invited to solve a crossword puzzle on environmental topics. Correctness and speed of execution are evaluated.

  1. When the air temperature rises to 0 degrees and above, the snow becomes loose and begins to melt. This phenomenon is called (Thaw)
  2. This butterfly is "land": it flies over forest clearings and edges. And her name is "marine". (Admiral)
  3. All insects have six legs. And this inhabitant of the Planet has eight. (Spider)
  4. The field flower is very beautifully shaped. From its petals, a permanent blue or blue dye is obtained. (Cornflower)
  5. This natural phenomenon is similar to a light haze in the air. (Fog)
  6. Medicinal plant. The people called him "Rannik", "Chireva Grass". (Plantain)
  7. The whole glade is covered with blue, blue, pink flowers. Everyone bowed their heads a little, and it seems: the breeze will start running and a quiet silvery chime will be heard. (Bell)
  8. A coniferous tree that sheds needles for the winter. (Larch)
  9. Ice crystals falling from the sky in winter. (Snowflakes)

Competition No. 7. "Musical Marathon"

Task number 1. Listen to the recording and identify natural sounds.

Task number 2. Listen to a musical passage, name the author and work (at the choice of music director).

Competition No. 8. “Do you know?” (homework, questions are asked by teams).

Competition No. 9 "People's signs"

How many grandfather signs!

Some of them are long gone.

Others through dozens of winters and years

They came down to us and now they live to this day.

(Roman Rugin)

Continue the folk omen associated with weather phenomena.

The cat curled up in a ball to a cold snap

The crow cries in winter - to the blizzard

Frogs croak - to the rain

Sparrows bathe in dust to the rain

A star was born near the moon - to warming

The dogs are rolling to the blizzard

Presentation of group environmental projects.

Summing up the results of the competition of joint creativity of children and parents "Protect the nature!".


Department of Education

Administration of the city of Noyabrsk





Brainstorming game

Moral and patriotic education in the development of preschool children

"Pedagogical ring"

Prepared by the teacher:

Gracheva O.A.

November 2016

Target: clarify and consolidate the knowledge of teachers on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.


To increase pedagogical competence in matters of moral and patriotic education;

To summarize the knowledge of teachers about the goals, objectives and means by which the moral and patriotic education of preschool children is determined;

Develop a way to analyze your own activities and the activities of another participant during the game, showing pedagogical tact;

Contribute to the acquisition of teamwork experience.

Game progress.

Dear colleagues, I invite you to take part in the brainstorming game "Pedagogical Ring".

Today we will reveal your knowledge of moral and patriotic education. The game consists of several rounds. Your task: to give the correct answers in a short period of time, as well as to follow the course of the game, to observe the pedagogical tact. The winner is the one who goes through all the rounds without errors.

For each correct answer, the team receives a chocolate medal.

I want to introduce the members of the jury who will evaluate the game:

- head of MBDOU "Voloshka", respected I.N. Malevich;

- deputy manager for educational work, dear N.R. Kamynin.

So let's start our game!

There are two teams in the ring:

1 team"Leader";

2 team"Fortune".

I ask the teams to take their places.

1 round. "Brain workout". (Fight in a tambourine!!!)

(In 1 minute you need to give as many correct answers as possible.)

    A document covering all the main points of the life of children, in other words, is it a model of the educational process in a preschool educational institution?(Educational program of preschool educational institution).

    The principle is to create optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child in the process of mastering knowledge about his native city, taking into account the age, gender of the child, and the accumulated experience?(Principle of differentiation).

    The system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of his moral and patriotic education. What's this?(Subject - spatial development environment).

    Earth, where were you born?(Motherland).

    Ancient name of Russia?(Rus).

    A person who belongs to the permanent population of a given state and enjoys all the rights fulfills all the duties of this state?(Citizen).

    Preservation of past values ​​in the present?(Cultural heritage).

    Originality, dissimilarity to others?(Identity).

    Loyalty and love for one's homeland, for one's people?(Patriotism).

    A large territory that has certain boundaries and enjoys state sovereignty?(Country).

    What does "empirical knowledge" mean?(Knowledge based on experience).

    A historical science that studies the culture and life of the peoples of the world, their origin, ethnic history and cultural mutual influences?(Ethnography).

    A special political institution that ensures the social security of the population, the defense and security of the country?(State).

    Who is responsible for raising a child?(Parents).

    A symbol of the state, its sovereignty: a panel of established sizes and colors attached to a tree or a cord?(Flag).

    The official emblem of the state?(Coat of arms).

    What has passed from one generation to another, what has it inherited from previous generations?(Tradition).

2 round. "Pedagogical erudition". (Fight in a tambourine!!!)

1 team.

    Explain the concept.

Moral - patriotic education is ....

    List the tasks of moral and patriotic education:

2 team.

    The purpose of moral and patriotic education:

    Solving the tasks of moral and patriotic education, each teacher must build his work, taking into account the following principles:

3 round. "Brain attack". (Fight in a tambourine!!!)

Coat of arms










4 round. "Fight of Proverbs". (Fight in a tambourine!!!)

1 team.

Restore proverbs

There is no more beautiful in the world

when there is only one roof over it.

That bird is stupid

the Motherland will be strong.

If friendship is great

whose nest is not nice.

Family is strong

good kids grow up.

In a good family

Our homeland.

2 team.

Restore proverbs

A man without a country

more precious than any wealth.

in your home and

happiness does not forget the road.

People's Brotherhood

what a nightingale without a song.

In a family where there is harmony

and the lazy house is empty.

In a diligent house - densely

walls help.

Dear colleagues! Attention to the screen! Correct answer!!!

Musical pause "Where the Motherland begins"

5 round. "Brainbreakers". (Fight in a tambourine!!!)

Crossword "Moral - patriotic education"

1. Inherent, characteristic of a citizen.

2. Settlement.

3. A person belonging to the permanent population of a given state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of rights and obligations.

4. The set of norms and rules established and protected by state power that regulate the relations of people in society.

5. The country in which we live.

6. The quality of a person, expressed in the acceptance of another, in the desire to understand and hear him.

7. Cell of society.

8. Place of birth, origin of someone or something.

9. Internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards, rules of conduct determined by these qualities.

Answers to the crossword "Moral - patriotic education"

    round. "Black box". (Fight in a tambourine!!!)

The parents of the preschool educational institution play against the teams.

Attention! Question!

The black box contains a symbol of Russian life, which for a long time served as a sign of social inequality and a measure of prosperity in the family. In the villages, it was passed down from generation to generation. With the development of industry, everyone could order it from a catalog or their own sketch. At fairs they were sold by weight and grade. So this is…..(Samovar).

Here lies an object that is a symbol of disputes, bitterness, sadness, evil, wars started because of it. But this did not stop people, did not repel them from this subject, but, on the contrary, seduced them. This item is found not only in fairy tales, but also in mythology and in Christian legend. So this is…(Apple)

Reflection "Everything is in our hands"

Based on the game, I suggest that you choose and write down on the faces of the cube what you consider the most important in educating moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers.

Take them in hand. We see that the cube does not hold on its own, but only thanks to our hands.

“Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country.”

A.S. Makarenko

Education of moral and patriotic feelings in children is in your hands!!!

Summing up the jury.

Clip "Motherland".


    Vetokhina A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2012.

    Makhaneva M.D. "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers" - M: "Sphere", 2010.

    Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. "We live in Russia" - Moscow, 2009.

    Kozlova S.A. "My World" - M: "Sphere", 2010.

    Komarova T.S. "Folk Art in the Education of Children". - M:, 2010.

    Mosalov "I and the world". - M .: "Childhood", 2013.

    Novitskaya M.Yu. "Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten. - M: "Linka-Press", 209.

    Shorygina T.A. Native fairy tales “Moral and patriotic education.” - M: “Prometheus; Booklover, 2010

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Svetlyachok" Ak-Dovurak

Brain ring for teachers

"Improving the environmental competence of teachers"

Conducted by: Chadamba Ayasmaa Dadar-oolovna -

educator MBDOU d / s "Firefly"

Ak-Dovurak -2015

Target : to develop the creative potential of teachers, their competence in environmental issues. To intensify the mental and search activity of educators.

Host: -- Dear colleagues! Today, a brain ring is being held on the topic “improving the environmental competence of teachers.” You will have to complete tasks that will help reveal your knowledge about nature and demonstrate your many talents. The jury will evaluate the performances of the teams (jury members introduce themselves).

So let's start our brace ring.

And then the first task. You need to come up with a name for your teams (1 minute to complete).

Competition number 1. Ecological warm-up

Each team is given 10 questions to answer quickly.

Questions for 1 team.

    Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker).

    Who are called leaf fallers? (Hares born in autumn)

    Animal science. (Zoology).

    Who is an ichthyologist? (Scientist who studies fish).

    What does a toad eat in winter? (She does not eat anything, she sleeps).

    What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers? (Oak).

    Male cuckoo. (Cuckoo).

    What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web).

    What grass do cats like? (Valerian).

    The tallest grass? (Bamboo)

Questions for 2 teams.

    Who are called nastovichki? (Hares born in spring).

    Forest rooster (Capercaillie).

    What does "weeping" birch mean in spring? (Sap flow).

    Plant Science (Botany).

    Why is larch called "good tree"? (Does not prick).

    Grass from 99 diseases (St. John's wort).

    Is the penguin a bird or an animal? (Bird).

    What tree is the thickest? (Baobab).

    What is an ornithologist (a scientist who studies birds).

    What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year (Photohunting).

Competition number 2. Association game.

Often people associate themselves and those around them with various natural phenomena, animals or objects, using the expression “blooms like a rose”, “works like a horse”, “tired like a dog”, etc. But does self-esteem always correspond to how others perceive us?

Try to pick up associations of ecological content to one of the colleagues of the opposing team without naming him (teachers make up a description-association for one of the teachers).

Appearance, character, demeanor of this person are associated with you:

With elements (fire, air, water. earth);

With a natural phenomenon;

With an animal (beast, bird, insect);

With a plant (tree, shrub, flower);

with a mineral.

Competition number 4. "Riddles-Illustrations".

Reproductions of famous artists help to perceive the beauty of nature. In this task you will be able to show your knowledge. (Teachers are offered reproductions of paintings by famous artists who painted landscapes).

    I.I. Shishkin "Rye";

    I.I. Levitan "Spring. Big water";

    A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived";

    I.E. Grabar "February Blue";

    I.I. Shishkin "In the wild north";

    I.E. Grabar "winter landscape";

    A.I. Kuindzhi "Birch Grove";

    I.I. Shishkin "Ship Grove";

    I.I. Shishkin "Oak Grove";

    I.I. Shishkin "Oak Grove";

    A.A. Plastov "First Snow";

Competition number 5. "Guess by pantomime."

Each teacher is invited to display any animal or bird with the help of plasticity and facial expressions, gestures. Guesses the opposing team. The jury evaluates the expressiveness of the image. The similarity of the transmission with the characteristic features, habits of animals.













Competition number 6. "People's Signs".

Continue the folk sign associated with weather phenomena:

The cat curled up in a ball - to a cold snap;

The crow screams in winter - to a snowstorm;

Frogs croak - to the rain;

A star was born near the moon - to warming;

Sparrows bathe in dust - to rain;

Dogs ride - to the blizzard


Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 22 "Luzhok" Zhdanovka village

Krasnokutsky district of the Saratov region

"Brain Ring"

for preschool teachers

Topic: "FSES of Preschool Education"

Compiled by: senior educator

Derkacheva Yu.V.


Target: to identify the level of familiarization of teachers with the Federal State Educational Standard.


  1. Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. Contribute to the development of pedagogical horizons on this topic.

Organizing time:

At the entrance to the hall, educators are invited to take circles, according to the same principle as the tablets on the tables, thus, 2 subgroups of educators are obtained.


What legal documents became the starting point for changes in our system?

  • Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ);
  • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations (PEO) (SanPiN No. 26 of 05/15/2013
  • The order of organization and implementation of educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education No. 1014 of 08/30/2013;
  • Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155)

All these documents require high professionalism from teachers of preschool educational institutions.

A modern educator needs to learn how to adequately respond to ongoing changes in education, be able to work in a team of like-minded people - all participants in the educational process, competently and efficiently work with children and parents in modern conditions, select the content of education themselves and adapt it to the age group of their children, comparing with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

And now I offer you a warm-up that will defuse the situation and serve as an occasion for a more serious conversation. Closing your eyes, choose a door for yourself: (red, blue, black, green, orange), while noting:

What form is it?

Open or closed?

Do you want to enter it or not?

What is it made of?

What is behind this door?


The red door is childhood.

The blue door is the future.

The black door is sex.

Green door - relatives, friends.

Orange door - work, study.

And now you have to complete tasks that will help reveal your knowledge about the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.To do this, we will split into two teams. Upon entering the hall, you took circles of a certain color. Now I will put colored tablets on the tables, and I will ask you to change seats so that the color of the tablet matches the color of the circle. And so, we got two teams. There is a bell on the table, whoever is ready to answer should ring it. Points are awarded for a correct answer.


WARM-UP. "Brain attack"

  1. What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation? (Livanov Dmitry Viktorovich)
  2. What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Saratov Region? (Epifanova Marina Anatolyevna)


1. What are the educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

  • Socio-communicative;
  • cognitive;
  • speech;
  • Artistic and aesthetic;
  • physical;

2. Name the correct ratio of the mandatory part of the Program and the Part formed by the participants in the process:

(60% and 40%)

3. What educational area does the development of communication and interaction of a child with an adult and peers belong to?

(socio-communicative development)

4. To what educational area does acquaintance with book culture, children's literature belong?

(speech development)

5. What educational area does the perception of music, fiction, folklore belong to?

Artistic and aesthetic development;

6. The specific content of the educational areas specified in the Standard depends on ...

Age and individual characteristics of children.

7. What is the purpose of the DO Standard?

Target guidelines for preschool education.

8. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?

The game

9. With what type of children's activity does the development of work skills in children begin?

self-service and elementary household work

10. Name the stages of preschool childhood

infant, early, preschool

11. What requirements are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard?

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the OOP DO

Requirements for the results of the development of OOP DO

12. Who is the family in the system of preschool education according to the standards?

Participant of the educational process and partner.

ROUND 3. One representative from the team (young teacher)

1. Decipher the abbreviation GEF DO

2. Decipher the abbreviation OOP DO

3. Decipher the abbreviation RPPS

4. Define the term "standard"(norm, standard, sample, requirements)

ROUND 4. (task in an envelope)

1. The subject of regulation of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" is:

a) realization of the right to education;

b) public relations that arise in the field of education in connection with the realization of the right to education, the provision of state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education.

2. Education is:

a) a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant good and carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests;

b) activities aimed at personal development, creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state;

c) a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies, gain experience in activities, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in everyday life and form students' motivation to receive education throughout their lives.

3. Participants in educational relations are:

a) a set of public relations for the implementation of the right of citizens to education, the purpose of which is the development by students of the content of educational programs (educational relations), and public relations that are associated with educational relations and the purpose of which is to create conditions for the realization of the rights of citizens to education;

b) students, parents (legal representatives) of underage students, teachers and their representatives, organizations engaged in educational activities;

c) participants in educational relations and federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, employers and their associations;

4. What right in the Russian Federation is guaranteed to every person, according to the Law on Education in the Russian Federation:

a) the right to a family;

b) the right to education;

c) the right to a name.

5. What legal documents laid down the basic principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education?

a) The concept of preschool education;

b) National Educational Initiative "Our New School";

c) The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

d) Priority national project "Education";

e) Convention on the Rights of the Child;

f) The charter of the preschool educational organization.

6. At what age can preschool education begin in educational institutions:

a) when the children reach the age of two months;

b) from the age of three;

c) at the request of the parents (legal representatives).

7. Amplification is: (section I., point 1.4)

A) Enrichment of the development of the child, the maximum realization of his age-related capabilities;

B) All-round acceleration of the mental and physical development of the child;

C) Slowdown, lag in the mental and physical development of the child.

8. Correctional work and/or inclusive education should be aimed at:(section II., point 2.11.2)

a) Raising a child

C) Ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering the Program;

D) Mastering the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.

9. Highlight the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, which include the Standard?

a) psychological and pedagogical conditions

b) personnel conditions

c) educational and material conditions

d) material and technical conditions

e) medical and social conditions

f) financial terms

g) developing object-spatial environment

h) information and methodological conditions.

Warm-up (Kosheleva E.V.)

ROUND 5 "Crossword"

(execution time 5 minutes)

1. One of the requirements for a developing object-spatial environment?


2. One of the types of children's activities


3. What is a standard in one word?


4. With what type of activity does labor education begin at an early age?


5. Stages of childhood according to GEF (one of the ages)?


6. Who closely interacts with the teaching staff and are partners in the Federal State Educational Standard?


ROUND 6 "Pedagogical puzzles"

Teachers are given the task to compose a phrase, previously cut into separate words, phrases (the phrase is cut into one, two, three words). The time to complete the task is 3 minutes.

  1. According to SanPiN 2013, the maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years - in accordance with medical recommendations.
  2. According to SanPiN 2013, the total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12 - 12.5 hours, of which 2 - 2.5 hours are spent on daytime sleep.
  3. The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  4. This federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

ROUND 7. "Auction of pedagogical ideas"

Teams are invited to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when you got acquainted with the document of the Federal State Educational Standard.

(FGOS, standard, targets, object-spatial developing environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Exercise "Source"

All participants are invited to sit comfortably, relax, close their eyes. Under the soundtrack "Water" (a collection of melodies for relaxation), the presenter calmly and clearly pronounces the text:

“Imagine that you are walking along a path in the forest, enjoying the singing of birds.

Through the singing of birds, your hearing is attracted by the sound of flowing water.

You go to this sound and come out to the source, beating from the granite rock.

You see how its clear water sparkles in the rays of the sun, hear its splash in the surrounding silence.

You get the feeling of this special place, where everything is much cleaner and clearer than usual.

Start drinking water, feeling how its beneficial energy penetrates you, enlightening the senses.

Now stand under the spring, let the water pour down on you.

Imagine that it is able to flow through every cell of yours.

Imagine also that it flows through the myriad shades of your feelings and emotions, that it flows through your intellect.

Feel that the water washes out of you all that psychological rubbish that inevitably accumulates day after day of disappointment, grief, worries, all kinds of thoughts.

Gradually you feel how the purity of this source becomes your purity,

and his energy is your energy.

Finally, imagine that you are this source, in which everything is possible, and whose life is constantly renewed.

At the end of the exercise, participants are asked to gradually open their eyes. It can be advised to use this exercise while taking a shower.

Get started now, don't delay


Take care of your mental health, folks.

Do not bring the level of mental stress to critical values.

Do not forget that not only your wards, but also you yourself need help, care and attention to protect and preserve your psychological health.

1. Learn, if possible, to immediately dump negative emotions, and not to force them into psychosomatics. How can this be done in the conditions of work in kindergarten:

sing loudly;

Get up and walk quickly

Write or draw something quickly and sharply on a board or piece of paper;

Grind a piece of paper, crumple and discard.

2. If you have sleep disorders, try to read poetry at night, not prose. According to research by scientists, poetry and prose differ in energy, poetry is closer to the rhythm of the human body and has a calming effect.

3. Every evening, be sure to get under the shower and pronounce the events of the past day, "wash" them, because water has long been a powerful energy conductor.


A few more interesting questions on the Federal State Educational Standards for Education that were not included in the brain ring.

Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose?

(It can be carried out by a pedagogical worker to individualize education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development and to create individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children).

Extract from GEF:

3.2.3. The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively for solving the following educational tasks:

  • 1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);
  • 2) optimization of work with a group of children.

If necessary, psychological diagnostics of the development of children is used (identification and study of the individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (teacher-psychologists, psychologists).

Participation of a child in psychological diagnostics is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).

The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve the problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.

When solving which managerial tasks, targets cannot serve as a direct basis?

Certification of teaching staff;

Assessment of the quality of education;

Assessment of the level of development of children;

Assessment of the implementation of the municipal

(government) assignments by including them in the performance indicators of the assignment;

Distribution of the stimulating payroll fund for preschool workers.

What is the specificity of preschool childhood?

Flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, a high scatter of options for his development, his immediacy and involuntariness.

Who is the family in the system of preschool education according to the standards?

Participant of the educational process and partner

Brain-ring is held within the framework of the RMO seminar for preschool teachers on the topic “Modernization the work of preschool teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO”. Target: In this material I present: a summary of the event, tasks for teams (with answers), presentation of the "Brain Ring" screensavers.



Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna,

senior educator

MDOU "Kindergarten "Bell"

r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov Region,

for preschool teachers

Brain ring is held as part of the seminar

RMO of preschool teachers

on this topic

"Modernization of the work of preschool teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"

year 2014

Today, dear colleagues, I suggest you play a business game with me, which has a specific name, brain ring.

Target: to clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the Federal State Educational Standard.


Conduct form: brain ring , two teams (working creative groups - by institutions)

Brain ring ( English brain - brain) - a television version of the game, invented by the Odessa club of intellectual games "Erudite". An analogue of our famous game "What, where, when?" That is, the brain ring is “this is a brain attack”, a fight, a battle, a competition, a game. And his goal is to define, reveal the knowledge of a group of people on a particular topic.

So I want to reveal your knowledge on the topic"FGOS DO".

And the bray-ring is called "Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard"

We need to split into 2 teams.

The brain ring consists of 7 rounds.

At the end of the brain-ring, the results are summed up and the winners are announced.

And now I will introduce you to the rules of our Brain ring.

Those rounds that open, as a rule, with a question for both teams, the team that rings the bell faster has the right to answer first. If a team answered before ringing the bell or answering incorrectly, the other team can answer and receive a point for the correct answer. The team with the most points wins.

Rates Brain-ring competent jury: …………


First, you need to come up with the name of your teams (1 minute is allotted for execution).

So, let's start our Brain-ring

ROUND 1 (Gong sounds) WARM-UP."Brain attack"

Question one.

For 1 team: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation?

For 2 teams: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Saratov region?

Question two.

Who is it? (photo to both teams)

(don't forget about bell and the right to answer first)

ROUND 2. (Gong sounds) "Crossword FGOS"

(execution time 5 minutes)

1. One of the requirements for a developing object-spatial environment?


2. One of the types of children's activities


3. What is a standard in one word?


4. With what type of activity does labor education begin at an early age?


5. Stages of childhood according to GEF (one of the ages)?


6. Who closely interacts with the teaching staff and are partners in the Federal State Educational Standard?


ROUND 3. "Pig in a poke"

You “pull” a card with a question out of the bag, I read it out. If the team is ready to answer, they ring the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

  1. Name the educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • socio-communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • physical development.
  1. What educational area includes productive activities?
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  1. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?

(The game)

  1. With what type of children's activity does the development of work skills in children begin?

(self-service and elementary household work)

  1. Name the stages of preschool childhood

(infant, early, preschool)

  1. What requirements are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard?

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the OOP DO

Requirements for the results of the development of OOP DO

  1. What are targets?

(Socio-normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completion of preschool education)

  1. Name the types of children's activities in preschool age(communicative, construction from different materials, motor, perception of fiction and folklore, games, cognitive research, fine arts, music, self-service and elementary household work)
  1. What requirements (principles) for the developing subject-spatial environment should be taken into account when implementing the Program?

(RPPS should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe)

ROUND 4. "You to me, I to you"

Teams ask each other questions. Both the completeness and "originality" of the question, and the completeness and correctness of the answers are evaluated.

Sample questions:↓

*** At what age (early or preschool) do the following targets apply:

The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them;

Owns active speech included in communication; can handle questions and requests, understands the speech of adults?


*** Determine which educational area the following tasks belong to:

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

(Socio-communicative development)

ROUND 5. "Pedagogical puzzles"

Teachers are given the task to compose a phrase, previously cut into separate words, phrases (the phrase is cut into one, two, three words). The time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

Suggested statements:

* According to SanPiN 2013, 3-4 hours a day should be a walk for preschool children.

* What should a teacher who is going on an excursion with children know?The exact number of children, the route.

ROUND 6 "Auction of pedagogical ideas"

Teams are invited to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when you got acquainted with the document of the Federal State Educational Standard.

(FGOS, standard, targets, object-spatial developing environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Within 5 minutes, the teams must come up with a name for the event - a super event within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, determine its goal, and develop a small plan for its implementation.

The jury is summing up.

Last slide

"Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard" are announced


A few more interesting questions on the Federal State Educational Standards for Education that were not included in the brain ring.

Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose?

(It can be carried out by a pedagogical worker to individualize education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development and to create individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children).

Extract from GEF:

3.2.3. The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively for solving the following educational tasks:

  • 1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);
  • 2) optimization of work with a group of children.

If necessary, psychological diagnostics of the development of children is used (identification and study of the individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (teacher-psychologists, psychologists).

Participation of a child in psychological diagnostics is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).

The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve the problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.

When solving which managerial tasks, targets cannot serve as a direct basis?

Certification of teaching staff;

Assessment of the quality of education;

Assessment of the level of development of children;

Assessment of the implementation of the municipal

(government) assignment by including them in the performance indicators of the assignment;

Distribution of the stimulating payroll fund for preschool workers.

What is the specificity of preschool childhood?

Flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, a high scatter of options for his development, his immediacy and involuntariness.

Highlight the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, which include the Standard?

  • psychological and pedagogical conditions
  • personnel conditions
  • educational and material conditions
  • logistical conditions
  • medical and social conditions
  • financial conditions
  • developing object-spatial environment
  • information and methodological conditions.

What are the system features of preschool education?

The optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the lack of the possibility of imputing a child to any responsibility for the result of mastering the Program

What is OODO? Expand the concept.

The main general educational program of preschool education.

A program developed, approved and implemented in a preschool educational institution (group) on the basis of an exemplary basic general educational program for preschool education.

Who is the family in the system of preschool education according to the standards?

Participant of the educational process and partner.